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                             31 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A swing vote from the ethnic backstage: The role of German American isolationist tradition for Trump's 2016 victory Dentler, Klara

71 C p.
2 Boxholm tea party: Taxation and voter turnout in a mature democracy Broms, Rasmus

71 C p.
3 Candidate and party affective polarization in U.S. presidential elections: The person-negativity bias? Bolsen, Toby

71 C p.
4 Coping with complexity: Ballot position effects in the Finnish open-list proportional representation system Söderlund, Peter

71 C p.
5 Did you see it coming? Explaining the accuracy of voter expectations for district and (sub)national election outcomes in multi-party systems Mongrain, Philippe

71 C p.
6 Does E-Voting matter for turnout, and to whom? Petitpas, Adrien

71 C p.
7 Do referendum results change norm perceptions and personal opinions? Jung, Jae-Hee

71 C p.
8 Editorial Board
71 C p.
9 Electoral impacts of a failed uprising: Evidence from Hong Kong's Umbrella Movement Wang, Ye

71 C p.
10 Fragmented foes: Affective polarization in the multiparty context of the Netherlands Harteveld, Eelco

71 C p.
11 Is compulsory voting habit-forming? Regression discontinuity evidence from Brazil Dunaiski, Maurice

71 C p.
12 Isolating the effect of compulsory voting laws on political sophistication: Leveraging intra-national variation in mandatory voting laws between the Austrian Provinces Shineman, Victoria

71 C p.
13 Is there a friends-and-neighbors effect for party leaders? Put, Gert-Jan

71 C p.
14 Knowing your sources: Partisan media and voters’ perceptions of the economy Santoso, Lie Philip

71 C p.
15 Legislative strength and democratic satisfaction in presidential democracies Wang, Yi-ting

71 C p.
16 Malapportionment in space and time: Decompose it! Kamahara, Yuta

71 C p.
17 Measuring and explaining the complexity of left-right perceptions of political parties Carroll, Royce

71 C p.
18 Membership vote for party leadership changes: Electoral effects and the causal mechanisms behind Cozza, Joseph Francesco

71 C p.
19 Negative personalization and voting behavior in 14 parliamentary democracies, 1961–2018 Garzia, Diego

71 C p.
20 Negative voting and party polarization: A classic tragedy Weber, Till

71 C p.
21 One for me and one for you? The spillover effect of heads of lists on the presence and success of candidates of immigrant origin Van Trappen, Sigrid

71 C p.
22 Political polarization, voting and democratic representativeness: Too much or too little? Sulmont, David

71 C p.
23 Populist parties in European Parliament elections: A new dataset on left, right and valence populism from 1979 to 2019 Zulianello, Mattia

71 C p.
24 Selective abstention in simultaneous elections: Understanding the turnout gap Dehdari, Sirus H.

71 C p.
25 Sexism predicts favorability of women in the 2020 democratic primary… and men? Utych, Stephen M.

71 C p.
26 Support for electoral system reform among voters and politicians: Studying information effects through survey experiments Arnesen, Sveinung

71 C p.
27 The downstream consequences of long waits: How lines at the precinct depress future turnout Pettigrew, Stephen

71 C p.
28 The Europeanization of national elections. The role of country characteristics in shaping EU issue voting Jurado, Ignacio

71 C p.
29 The inconsequence of negative statehouse evaluations on ballot measures: Evidence from survey experiments Burnett, Craig M.

71 C p.
30 The incumbency advantage in second-order PR elections: Evidence from the Irish context, 1942–2019 Jankowski, Michael

71 C p.
31 Why Geographically-Targeted Spending Under Closed-List Proportional Representation Favors Marginal Districts Catalinac, Amy

71 C p.
                             31 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland