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                             9 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Correlates of therapist drift in psychological practice: A systematic review of therapist characteristics Speers, Andrew J.H.

93 C p.
2 Cultural concepts of distress and complex PTSD: Future directions for research and treatment Heim, Eva

93 C p.
3 Editorial Board
93 C p.
4 Emotion regulation as mediator between childhood adversity and psychopathology: A meta-analysis Miu, Andrei C.

93 C p.
5 Eye tracking evidence of threat-related attentional bias in anxiety- and fear-related disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis Clauss, Kate

93 C p.
6 Scrambled but valid? The scrambled sentences task as a measure of interpretation biases in psychopathology: A systematic review and meta-analysis Würtz, Felix

93 C p.
7 Suicidality in autistic youth: A systematic review and meta-analysis O'Halloran, L.

93 C p.
8 The destructiveness and public health significance of socially prescribed perfectionism: A review, analysis, and conceptual extension Flett, Gordon L.

93 C p.
9 “We Have to Try to Find a Way, a Clinical Bridge” - autistic adults' experience of accessing and receiving support for mental health difficulties: A systematic review and thematic meta-synthesis Brede, Janina

93 C p.
                             9 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland