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                             30 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Adverse childhood experiences, and instability in Children's care and Parents' work Lipscomb, Shannon T.

102 C p. 243-250
2 A mixed methods study of Black Girls' vulnerability to out-of-school suspensions: The intersection of race and gender Gibson, Priscilla

102 C p. 169-176
3 A multilevel analysis of life satisfaction among secondary school students: Do school-level factors matter? Cho, Esther Yin-Nei

102 C p. 231-242
4 A prospective, longitudinal study of risk factors for early onset of delinquency among maltreated youth Cho, Minhae

102 C p. 222-230
5 Biggest concerns of school personnel about students raised by grandparents Peterson, Tina L.

102 C p. 201-209
6 Combining children's savings account programs with scholarship programs: Effects on math and reading scores Elliott, William

102 C p. 7-17
7 Community health contexts and school suspensions of students with disabilities Dembo, Robert S.

102 C p. 120-127
8 Development of a causal relationship model for cyber bullying behaviors among public secondary school students in the three southern border provinces of Thailand Tudkuea, T.

102 C p. 145-149
9 Editorial Board
102 C p. ii
10 Effects of an interdisciplinary approach to parental representation in child welfare Gerber, Lucas A.

102 C p. 42-55
11 Exploring the association between parenting stress and a child's exposure to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) Crouch, Elizabeth

102 C p. 186-192
12 Financial risk tolerance of Hong Kong adolescents: A hierarchical model Zhu, Alex Yue Feng

102 C p. 193-200
13 Foster care admissions and state-level criminal justice-focused prenatal substance use policies Sanmartin, Maria X.

102 C p. 102-107
14 How previously detained youths perceive “mental health” and “counseling” Brown, James R.

102 C p. 27-33
15 Implementing strengths model for youth in community mental health: Impact on case managers' professional quality of life Mendenhall, Amy N.

102 C p. 1-6
16 “It was giving them a feeling that they're not alone in this”: Perspectives of caregivers and clinicians on a camp for UK adolescents with HIV Evangeli, Michael

102 C p. 73-78
17 “Keeping balance”, “Keeping distance” and “Keeping on with life”: Child positions in divorced families with prolonged conflicts Stokkebekk, Jan

102 C p. 108-119
18 Mental well-being among children in foster care: The role of supportive adults Magee, Carly

102 C p. 128-134
19 Operationalizing intake: Variations in juvenile court intake procedures and their implications Fairchild, Amanda J.

102 C p. 91-101
20 Parental control and Chinese adolescent smoking and drinking: The mediating role of refusal self-efficacy and the moderating role of sensation seeking Wang, Yanhui

102 C p. 63-72
21 Pathways to delinquency for street children in China: Institutional anomie, resilience and crime Yu, Yanping

102 C p. 158-168
22 Race/ethnicity and foster youth outcomes: An examination of disproportionality using the national youth in transition database Watt, Toni

102 C p. 251-258
23 Stressful events, life satisfaction, and positive and negative affect in youth at risk Wendt, Guilherme Welter

102 C p. 34-41
24 Suicide etiology in youth: Differences and similarities by sexual and gender minority status McKay, Tasseli

102 C p. 79-90
25 Suicide ideation among Latinx adolescents: Examining the role of parental monitoring and intrinsic religiosity Boyas, Javier F.

102 C p. 177-185
26 Supporting Adolescents to Adhere (SATA): Lessons learned from an intervention to achieve medication adherence targets among youth living with HIV in Uganda MacCarthy, Sarah

102 C p. 56-62
27 The associations between sex drive, sexual self-concept, sexual orientation, and exposure to online victimization in Italian adolescents: Investigating the mediating role of verbal and visual sexting behaviors Marengo, D.

102 C p. 18-26
28 The coping of young Finnish adults after out-of-home care and aftercare services: A document-based analysis Häggman-Laitila, Arja

102 C p. 150-157
29 The factors that contribute educational outcomes of adolescents placed in care due to severe behavioral problems Talaslampi, Heli

102 C p. 210-221
30 “We're building the community; it's a hub for democracy.”: Lessons learned from a library-based, school-district partnership and program to increase belonging for newcomer immigrant and refugee youth Rodriguez, Sophia

102 C p. 135-144
                             30 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland