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                             24 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Academics’ beliefs towards holistic competency development and assessment: A case study in engineering education Chan, Cecilia K.Y.

72 C p.
2 A co-orientation analysis of teachers’ and students’ perceptions of online teaching and learning in Hong Kong higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic Yau, Alice Hoi Ying

72 C p.
3 Assessing student learning during simulations in education: Methodological opportunities and challenges when applying a longitudinal case study design Duchatelet, D.

72 C p.
4 Assessing students' self-efficacy for negotiating during a role-play simulation of political decision-making. Taking student characteristics and simulation features into account Vermeiren, Sofie

72 C p.
5 A taxonomy of social embedding - A systematic review of virtual learning simulations in vocational and professional learning Braunstein, Anke

72 C p.
6 Development and validation of the empathy scale for teachers (EST) Wang, Xia

72 C p.
7 Editorial Board
72 C p.
8 Evaluation of mountain rescuers’ (non-)technical skills during simulated resuscitation Hanus, Stefan A.

72 C p.
9 Examining factorial validity of the student–teacher relationship scale in the Iranian educational setting Vahidi, Elahe

72 C p.
10 From classroom learning environments to self-regulation: The mediating role of task value Cai, Juan

72 C p.
11 Furthering the argument for visually inclusive L2 academic listening tests: The role of content-rich videos Lesnov, Roman O.

72 C p.
12 Investigating the differences between confidence ratings in the answer and reason tiers in fourth graders via online four-tier test Yang, Der-Ching

72 C p.
13 Item wording effects in self-report measures and reading achievement: Does removing careless respondents help? Bulut, Hatice Cigdem

72 C p.
14 Just showing is not enough: First-person-view-videos as a feedback tool in resuscitation simulation Soellner, N.

72 C p.
15 Mastering the artful practice of navigation: The situated endorsement of professional competence in post-simulation evaluations Sellberg, Charlott

72 C p.
16 Measuring personalized learning through the Lens of UDL: Development and content validation of a student self-report instrument Zhang, Ling

72 C p.
17 Promoting car mechatronics apprentices' diagnostic strategy with modeling examples: Development and evaluation of a simulation-based learning environment Meier, Julius

72 C p.
18 Students’ experiences of fairness in summative assessment: A study in a higher education context Darabi Bazvand, Ali

72 C p.
19 The effects of an AWE-aided assessment approach on business English writing performance and writing anxiety: A contextual consideration Sun, Bo

72 C p.
20 The effects of individual- and class-level achievement on attitudes towards mathematics: An analysis of Hong Kong students using TIMSS 2019 Chen, Xin

72 C p.
21 The experience of teaching: Beyond teaching skills the case of the academy-class practice model Ronen, Ilana K.

72 C p.
22 The global rise of online chatting and its adverse effect on reading literacy Luyten, Hans

72 C p.
23 The reliability, effectiveness, and benefits of peer assessment in college EFL speaking classrooms: Student and teacher perspectives Li, Junfei

72 C p.
24 The role of parents in the school accountability system: Insights from a Hong Kong case Xie, Qin

72 C p.
                             24 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland