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                             9 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Benefits of early lipid-lowering intervention in high-risk patients: The lipid intervention strategies for coronary patients study Pedersen, Terje R.

22 8 p. 949-960
2 Clinical manifestations and management of antiretroviral nucleoside analog-related mitochondrial toxicity Moyle, Graeme

22 8 p. 911-936
3 Comparison of naratriptan and sumatriptan in recurrence-prone migraine patients Göbel, Hartmut

22 8 p. 981-989
4 Diabetes guidelines: A summary and comparison of the recommendations of the american diabetes association, veterans health administration, and american association of clinical endocrinologists Clark Jr, Melvin Julian

22 8 p. 899-910
5 Dose-response effect of combination hydrocodone with ibuprofen in patients with moderate to severe postoperative pain Palangio, Mark

22 8 p. 990-1002
6 Editorial comment Walson, Philip D.

22 8 p. 898
7 Efficacy of naratriptan tablets in the acute treatment of migraine: A dose-ranging study Havanka, Hannele

22 8 p. 970-980
8 Efficacy of valsartan in patients aged ≥65 years with systolic hypertension Neutel, Joel M.

22 8 p. 961-969
9 Use of direct thrombin inhibitors in acute coronary syndrome Nemergut, Christopher

22 8 p. 937-948
                             9 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland