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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 An influenza A(H5N8) virus isolated during an outbreak at a poultry farm in Russia in 2017 has an N294S substitution in the neuraminidase and shows reduced susceptibility to oseltamivir Svyatchenko, Svetlana V.

191 C p.
2 Clinical outcome and the role of antivirals in congenital cytomegalovirus infection Ross, Shannon A.

191 C p.
3 Differential expression of HIV envelope epitopes on the surface of HIV-Infected macrophages and CD4+ T cells Kek, Hans

191 C p.
4 Editorial Board
191 C p.
5 GS-441524 inhibits African swine fever virus infection in vitro Huang, Zhao

191 C p.
6 Homoseongomycin, a compound isolated from marine actinomycete bacteria K3-1, is a potent inhibitor of encephalitic alphaviruses Lin, Shih-Chao

191 C p.
7 Identification of hepatitis B virus core protein residues critical for capsid assembly, pgRNA encapsidation and resistance to capsid assembly modulators Luo, Yue

191 C p.
8 Mechanisms of anti-vesicular stomatitis virus activity of deazaneplanocin and its 3-brominated analogs Gibbons, Joyce Sweeney

191 C p.
9 New methylene blue derivatives suggest novel anti-orthopoxviral strategies Priyamvada, Lalita

191 C p.
10 Viral replicon particles protect IFNAR−/ − mice against lethal Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus challenge three days after vaccination Spengler, Jessica R.

191 C p.
11 Virucidal and antiviral activity of astodrimer sodium against SARS-CoV-2 in vitro Paull, Jeremy R.A.

191 C p.
12 Wnt antagonists suppress herpes simplex virus type 1 productive infection Harrison, Kelly S.

191 C p.
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland