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                             66 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Access to healthcare and depression severity in vulnerable groups the US: NHANES 2013–2018 Kemp, James M.

352 C p. 473-478
2 Alexithymia or general psychological distress? Discriminant validity of the Toronto Alexithymia Scale and the Perth Alexithymia Questionnaire Preece, David A.

352 C p. 140-145
3 A longitudinal study of factors associated with cognitive frailty in middle-aged and elderly population based on the health ecology model Hou, Dingchun

352 C p. 410-418
4 Association between depression, antidepressant use, and the incidence of atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases Kim, Hyewon

352 C p. 214-221
5 Association between retirement age and depressive symptoms among Korean retirees: Results from Korean Retirement and Income Panel Study Yang, Jieun

352 C p. 454-459
6 Association between thiamine intake and depression: A national cross-sectional study Xu, Xiying

352 C p. 259-266
7 Association of gut microbiota with cerebral cortical thickness: A Mendelian randomization study Shi, Lubo

352 C p. 312-320
8 Association of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin d concentrations with all-cause and cause-specific mortality among individuals with depression: A cohort study Mao, Yafei

352 C p. 10-18
9 Associations between joint lifestyle behaviors and depression among children and adolescents: A large cross-sectional study in China Zhang, Erliang

352 C p. 110-114
10 Associations of depression and anxiety symptoms in childhood and adolescence with epigenetic aging Ingram, Sarah J.

352 C p. 250-258
11 Changes and predictors of mental health of Chinese university students after the COVID-19 pandemic: A two-year study Li, Xi

352 C p. 1-9
12 Characterization of “microbiome-metabolome-immunity” in depressed rats with divergent responses to Paroxetine Liu, Xiaojie

352 C p. 201-213
13 Cognitive ability in early life and risk of depression in adulthood: A systematic review and meta-analysis Ball, Emily L.

352 C p. 498-508
14 Cognitive outcomes from the randomised, active-controlled Ketamine for Adult Depression Study (KADS) Martin, Donel M.

352 C p. 163-170
15 Declining suicide rates in China (1990–2017): Gender and age specific analyses Lyu, Juncheng

352 C p. 19-25
16 Depression and fatigue six months post-COVID-19 disease are associated with overlapping symptom constellations: A prospective, multi-center, population-based cohort study Weiß, Martin

352 C p. 296-305
17 Depression and NAFLD risk: A meta-analysis and Mendelian randomization study Li, Shudi

352 C p. 379-385
18 Depression, anxiety and suicidality among Chinese mental health professionals immediately after China's dynamic zero-COVID policy: A network perspective Chen, Meng-Yi

352 C p. 153-162
19 Depressive symptomatology in older adults treated with behavioral activation: A network perspective Janssen, Noortje P.

352 C p. 445-453
20 Disrupted inter-brain synchronization in the prefrontal cortex between adolescents and young adults with gaming disorders during the real-world cooperating video games Huang, Chuanning

352 C p. 386-394
21 Editorial Board
352 C p. ii
22 Effects of mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) on depression in pregnant women: A systematic review and meta-analysis Reangsing, Chuntana

352 C p. 51-59
23 Embracing pragmatism for ketamine insurance coverage: Leveraging real-world evidence McInnes, L. Alison

352 C p. 199-200
24 Exploration of the psychometric properties of the EPDS-US, a validation study Moyer, Sara Wagner

352 C p. 193-198
25 Exploring risk factors and their differences on suicidal ideation and suicide attempts among depressed adolescents based on decision tree model Wang, Yang

352 C p. 87-100
26 Individualized prediction of cognitive test scores from functional brain connectome in patients with first-episode late-life depression Liu, Chaomeng

352 C p. 32-42
27 Infant hedonic/anhedonic processing index (HAPI-Infant): Assessing infant anhedonia and its prospective association with adolescent depressive symptoms Irwin, Jessica L.

352 C p. 281-287
28 Intake of dietary advanced glycation end products may be associated with depression and sleep quality in young adults Demirer, Büşra

352 C p. 26-31
29 Is cognitive behavioral therapy an efficacious treatment for psychological interventions in body dysmorphic disorders? A meta-analysis based on current evidence from randomized controlled trials Zhao, Fei

352 C p. 237-249
30 Lifestyle risk factors and all-cause and cause-specific mortality in the Mexico City prospective study: Assessing the influence of reverse causation Ferrari, Gerson

352 C p. 517-524
31 Linguistic markers of anxiety and depression in Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders: Observational study of a digital intervention Malgaroli, Matteo

352 C p. 133-137
32 Longitudinal associations of daily affective dynamics with depression, generalized anxiety, and social anxiety symptoms Lakhtakia, Tanvi

352 C p. 437-444
33 Low-carbohydrate-diet score, dietary macronutrient intake, and depression among adults in the United States Cheng, Zicheng

352 C p. 125-132
34 Major depressive disorder with hypersomnolence complaint: A comparison study with non-depressed individuals examining objective biomarkers Bazin, Balthazar

352 C p. 422-428
35 Major flaws in a meta-analysis of short-term psychodynamic therapy (STPP) for depression Leichsenring, Falk

352 C p. 419-421
36 Mediating effect of inflammation on the relationship between sleep disruption and suicidal ideation in major depressive disorder Zeng, Yexian

352 C p. 371-378
37 NEFA can serve as good biological markers for the diagnosis of depression in adolescents Liu, Guan-Xi

352 C p. 342-348
38 Non-binary gender, vulnerable populations and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: Data from the COVID-19 MEntal health inTernational for the general population (COMET-G) study Fountoulakis, Konstantinos N.

352 C p. 536-551
39 Patterns of unhealthy lifestyle and their associations with depressive and anxiety symptoms among Chinese young adults: A latent class analysis Tang, Zhitao

352 C p. 267-277
40 Prediction of non-suicidal self-injury in adolescents at the family level using regression methods and machine learning Zhou, Si Chen

352 C p. 67-75
41 Prediction of suicidal ideation among preadolescent children with machine learning models: A longitudinal study Yang, Chi

352 C p. 403-409
42 Predictive modeling of neuroticism in depressed and non-depressed cohorts using voice features Luo, Qian

352 C p. 395-402
43 Refugee status and the incidence of affective psychotic disorders and non-psychotic bipolar disorder: A register-based cohort study of 1.3m people in Sweden Burr, Lilian

352 C p. 43-50
44 Resting-state activity and functional connectivity of insula and postcentral gyrus related to psychological resilience in female depressed patients: A preliminary study Wang, Yuhan

352 C p. 509-516
45 Risk of depression in patients with pneumoconiosis: A population-based retrospective cohort study Lee, Hsiu-Ming

352 C p. 146-152
46 Serum uric acid levels in people with anxiety: A Korean nationwide survey Hwang, Ju Sam

352 C p. 138-139
47 Sex differences in effectiveness and adverse effects of mood stabilizers and antipsychotics: A systematic review Ercis, Mete

352 C p. 171-192
48 Sleep architecture and the incidence of depressive symptoms in middle-aged and older adults: A community-based study Jiang, Jialu

352 C p. 222-228
49 Sleep patterns, genetic predisposition, and risk of chronic liver disease: A prospective study of 408,560 UK Biobank participants Wang, Wenxiu

352 C p. 229-236
50 Suicidal thoughts and behaviors in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Altwaijri, Yasmin

352 C p. 429-436
51 Suicide death and other-cause mortality in psychiatric patients: A South Korean study using nationwide claims data Hong, Minha

352 C p. 288-295
52 The association between living alone, loneliness and suicide mortality and effect modification by age: A case:control study Alothman, Danah

352 C p. 278-280
53 The association between problematic internet use and burnout: A three-level meta-analysis Mao, Peipei

352 C p. 321-332
54 The effectiveness of psychosocial interventions on non-physiological symptoms of menopause: A systematic review and meta-analysis Spector, Aimee

352 C p. 460-472
55 The effect of childhood trauma on depression in college students: A moderated mediation model Qin, Qiyue

352 C p. 490-497
56 The effects of childhood trauma on stress-related vulnerability factors and indicators of suicide risk: An ecological momentary assessment study Rogerson, Olivia

352 C p. 479-489
57 The effects of pre-eclampsia on social and emotional developmental vulnerability in children at age five in Western Australia: A population data linkage study Duko, Bereket

352 C p. 349-356
58 The efficacy and safety of sertraline in maintenance hemodialysis patients with depression: A randomized controlled study Zhang, Shunjuan

352 C p. 60-66
59 The prevalence of depression and anxiety among medical students in Yemen: A cross-sectional study Beshr, Mohammed S.

352 C p. 366-370
60 The reduction of microglial efferocytosis is concomitant with depressive-like behavior in CUMS-treated mice Xiao, Ying

352 C p. 76-86
61 The regulation of social factors on anxiety and microglial activity in nucleus accumbens of adolescent male mice: Influence of social interaction strategy Zhao, Mingyue

352 C p. 525-535
62 Traffic-related pollution and symptoms of depression and anxiety among Chinese adults: A population-based study Wang, Xue

352 C p. 101-109
63 Trait and situation-specific intolerance of uncertainty predict affective symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic Broos, Hannah C.

352 C p. 115-124
64 Treatment resistant depression: A comparative study of access, pathways, and outcomes between Caucasian and ethnic minority individuals Rathod, Shanaya

352 C p. 357-365
65 Unraveling COVID-19 relationship with anxiety disorders and symptoms using genome-wide data Asgel, Zeynep

352 C p. 333-341
66 Validation of a 9-item Perceived Suicide Awareness Scale (PSAS-9) for adolescents Baggio, Stéphanie

352 C p. 306-311
                             66 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland