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                             10 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Behavior of olfactory-related frontal lobe oscillations in Alzheimer's disease and MCI: A pilot study Fatemi, Seyyedeh Nahaleh

175 C p. 43-53
2 Blunted short-term autonomic cardiovascular reactivity to orthostatic and clinostatic challenges in fibromyalgia as an indicator of the severity of chronic pain Contreras-Merino, Ana M.

175 C p. 61-70
3 Editorial Board
175 C p. ii
4 Electrophysiological correlates of the reverse Stroop effect: Results from a simulated handgun task Diaz-Piedra, Carolina

175 C p. 32-42
5 Exploring psychophysiological indices of disruptive behavior disorders and their subtypes of aggression Aggensteiner, Pascal-M

175 C p. 24-31
6 Frontal EEG alpha-delta ratio and social anxiety across early adolescence Schmidt, Louis A.

175 C p. 1-7
7 International Organization of Psychophysiology
175 C p. i
8 Movement-related potentials and intelligence Chiarenza, Giuseppe Augusto

175 C p. 18-23
9 Neural and self-report indices of cognitive reappraisal moderate the association between sensitivity to uncertain threat and problem alcohol use Phan, Liem G.

175 C p. 54-60
10 Sustained threat and phasic fear in the laboratory and cognitive-emotional processes of anxiety in everyday life - An ambulatory assessment study Zänkert, Sandra

175 C p. 8-17
                             10 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland