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                             25 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Application of organic environmental markers in the assessment of recent and fossil organic matter input in coal wastes and river sediments: A case study from the Upper Silesia Coal Basin (Poland) Nádudvari, Ádám

196 C p. 302-316
2 Biomarker signatures of Upper Cretaceous Latrobe Group hydrocarbon source rocks, Gippsland Basin, Australia: Distribution and palaeoenvironment significance of aliphatic hydrocarbons Jiang, Lian

196 C p. 29-42
3 Carbon isotope reversal and its relationship with natural gas origins in the Jingbian gas field, Ordos Basin, China Han, Wenxue

196 C p. 260-273
4 Characterizations of full-scale pore size distribution, porosity and permeability of coals: A novel methodology by nuclear magnetic resonance and fractal analysis theory Zheng, Sijian

196 C p. 148-158
5 Coalbed methane reservoir characteristics of coal seams of south Karanpura coalfield, Jharkhand, India Kumar, Jaywardhan

196 C p. 185-200
6 Distribution and Mobility Potential of Trace Elements in the Main Seam of the Most Coal Basin Vöröš, Dominik

196 C p. 139-147
7 Editorial Board
196 C p. ii
8 Effects of roasting additives and leaching parameters on the extraction of rare earth elements from coal fly ash Taggart, Ross K.

196 C p. 106-114
9 Effects of thermal maturity on biomarker distributions in Gondwana coals from the Satpura and Damodar Valley Basins, India Patra, Sutapa

196 C p. 63-81
10 Evaluation of gas resource potentiality, geochemical and mineralogical characteristics of Permian shale beds of Latehar-Auranga Coalfield, India Mendhe, Vinod Atmaram

196 C p. 43-62
11 Geochemical evidence for in situ accumulation of tight gas in the Xujiahe Formation coal measures in the central Sichuan Basin, China Qin, Shengfei

196 C p. 173-184
12 Influence of coal composition and maturity on methane storage capacity of coals of Raniganj Coalfield, India Mohanty, Debadutta

196 C p. 1-18
13 Lignite biodegradation under conditions of acidic molasses fermentation Detman, Anna

196 C p. 274-287
14 Methanogenic potential of lignites in Poland Szafranek-Nakonieczna, Anna

196 C p. 201-210
15 Mineral and chemical composition of some claystones from the Troyanovo-3 mine, Maritsa East lignite basin, Bulgaria Yossifova, Mariana G.

196 C p. 93-105
16 Mineral matter and trace elements in ashes from a high-arsenic lignite fired power plant in Inner Mongolia, China Gong, Bengen

196 C p. 317-334
17 Occurrence of analcime in the middle Jurassic coal from the Dongsheng Coalfield, northeastern Ordos Basin, China Wang, Xiaomei

196 C p. 126-138
18 On the petrographic distinction of bituminite from solid bitumen in immature to early mature source rocks Hackley, Paul C.

196 C p. 232-245
19 Paleoenvironmental conditions, source and maturation of Neogene organic matter from the siliciclastic deposits of the Orava-Nowy Targ Basin Jaroszewicz, Elżbieta

196 C p. 288-301
20 Petrographic and Raman spectroscopic characterization of coal from Himalayan fold-thrust belts of Sikkim, India Ghosh, Santanu

196 C p. 246-259
21 Potential permeability enhancement in Early Jurassic shales due to their swelling and shrinkage behavior Houben, M.E.

196 C p. 115-125
22 Rare earth element and yttrium content of coal in the Banko coalfield, South Sumatra Basin, Indonesia: Contributions from tonstein layers Anggara, Ferian

196 C p. 159-172
23 Rare earth elements in select Main Karoo Basin (South Africa) coal and coal ash samples Wagner, Nicola Jane

196 C p. 82-92
24 Sequence stratigraphic interpretation of peatland evolution in thick coal seams: Examples from Yimin Formation (Early Cretaceous), Hailaer Basin, China Guo, Biao

196 C p. 211-231
25 Understanding mechanisms of destressing mining-induced stresses using hydraulic fracturing Kang, Hongpu

196 C p. 19-28
                             25 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland