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                             29 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Aerodynamic and aeroelastic wind tunnel model tests of overhead power lines in triangular configuration under different icing conditions Flaga, Andrzej

170 C p.
2 A field embankment test along the Gonghe-Yushu Expressway in the permafrost regions of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Dong, Yuanhong

170 C p.
3 A new method for estimating salt expansion in saturated saline soils during cooling based on electrical conductivity Tang, Rui

170 C p.
4 An open source, versatile, affordable waves in ice instrument for scientific measurements in the Polar Regions Rabault, Jean

170 C p.
5 Application of physical snowpack models in support of operational avalanche hazard forecasting: A status report on current implementations and prospects for the future Morin, Samuel

170 C p.
6 Avalanche decision-making frameworks: Factors and methods used by experts Landrø, Markus

170 C p.
7 Comparing frost heave characteristics in cut and embankment sections along a high-speed railway in seasonally frozen ground of Northeast China Miao, Qi

170 C p.
8 Comparing thermal performances of expressways constructed with an integral embankment and two separated embankments in permafrost zones Li, Xiaolin

170 C p.
9 Comparison of modulus equations of frozen soil based on spherical template indenter Huang, Can-Jie

170 C p.
10 Comparisons of sea ice motion and deformation, and their responses to ice conditions and cyclonic activity in the western Arctic Ocean between two summers Lei, Ruibo

170 C p.
11 Editorial Board
170 C p.
12 Effect of freeze-thaw on freezing point of a saline loess Wang, Qinze

170 C p.
13 Evaluation of the calculated unfrozen water contents determined by different measured subzero temperature ranges Wen, Haiyan

170 C p.
14 Evaluation of threshold freezing conditions for winter road construction over discontinuous permafrost peatlands, subarctic Canada Sladen, W.E.

170 C p.
15 Experimental investigation of dynamic shear modulus and damping ratio of Qinghai-Tibet frozen silt under multi-stage cyclic loading Zhao, Futang

170 C p.
16 Experimental study on improving the engineering properties of coarse grain sulphate saline soils with inorganic materials Zhang, Shasha

170 C p.
17 Fractional derivative-based creep constitutive model of deep artificial frozen soil Li, Dongwei

170 C p.
18 Freeze-thaw damage evolution of fractured rock mass using nuclear magnetic resonance technology Liu, Taoying

170 C p.
19 Freeze-thaw performance of a cement-treated expansive soil Lu, Yang

170 C p.
20 Measurement of ice pressure on a concrete dam with a prototype ice load panel Hellgren, Rikard

170 C p.
21 Nondestructive three-dimensional observations of flow finger and lateral flow development in dry snow using magnetic resonance imaging Katsushima, Takafumi

170 C p.
22 Oceanographic observations in supercooled water: Protocols for mitigation of measurement errors in profiling and moored sampling Robinson, N.J.

170 C p.
23 Parameterization of soil freezing characteristic curve for unsaturated soils Teng, Jidong

170 C p.
24 Possible effect of flow velocity on thawing rock-water-ice systems under local thermal non-equilibrium conditions Heinze, Thomas

170 C p.
25 Purification efficiency of natural freeze crystallization for urban wastewaters John, Miia

170 C p.
26 Study on the permafrost heat transfer mechanism and reasonable interval of separate embankment for the Qinghai-Tibet expressway Liu, Zhi-Yun

170 C p.
27 The influence of non-linear stress-strain behavior of dense sand on seabed response to ice gouging Nematzadeh, Afrouz

170 C p.
28 Thermodynamics of freezing soil closed system saturated with gas and water Istomin, Vladimir A.

170 C p.
29 Towards the assimilation of satellite reflectance into semi-distributed ensemble snowpack simulations Cluzet, Bertrand

170 C p.
                             29 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland