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                             14 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Accuracy of additively manufactured zirconia four-unit fixed dental prostheses fabricated by stereolithography, digital light processing and material jetting compared with subtractive manufacturing Lüchtenborg, Jörg

38 9 p. 1459-1469
2 Bending moment of implants restored with CAD/CAM polymer-based restoration materials with or without a titanium base before and after artificial aging Südbeck, Sonja

38 9 p. e245-e255
3 Corrigendum to “Characterization and toxicity evaluation of air-borne particles released by grinding from two dental resin composites in vitro” [Dent Mater 37 (7) (2021) 1121–33] Camassa, L.M.A.

38 9 p. 1564
4 Dual-functional adhesive containing amorphous calcium phosphate nanoparticles and dimethylaminohexadecyl methacrylate promoted enamel remineralization in a biofilm-challenged environment Fan, Menglin

38 9 p. 1518-1531
5 Editorial Board
38 9 p. i
6 Effects of the crosslinking of chitosan/DCPA particles in the antimicrobial and mechanical properties of dental restorative composites Kikuchi, Lucia Nobuco Takamori

38 9 p. 1482-1491
7 Fracture toughness of conventional, milled and 3D printed denture bases Mann, Ravdeep S.

38 9 p. 1443-1451
8 Human osteoblasts response to different dental implant abutment materials: An in-vitro study Osman, Muataz A.

38 9 p. 1547-1557
9 Mechanical behaviour of prosthodontic CAD/CAM polymer composites aged in three food-simulating liquids Babaier, Rua S.

38 9 p. 1492-1506
10 On the assignment of quartz-like LiAlSi2O6 - SiO2 solid solutions in dental lithium silicate glass-ceramics: Virgilite, high quartz, low quartz or stuffed quartz derivatives? Hurle, Katrin

38 9 p. 1558-1563
11 Photocrosslinkable methacrylated gelatin hydrogel as a cell-friendly injectable delivery system for chlorhexidine in regenerative endodontics Ribeiro, Juliana S.

38 9 p. 1507-1517
12 Physical-chemical and microbiological performances of graphene-doped PMMA for CAD/CAM applications before and after accelerated aging protocols Ionescu, Andrei C.

38 9 p. 1470-1481
13 Response of human gingival keratinocytes to hybrid CAD/CAM material eluates Jennes, Marie-Elise

38 9 p. 1532-1546
14 Using Kubelka-Munk reflectance theory to predict optimal pink composite thickness and shade with an opaqued PEEK background for a final gingival color: An in vitro study Gouveia, Diogo

38 9 p. 1452-1458
                             14 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland