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1 |
A quick reference summary of recent literature on molecular immobilization and bioaffinity phenomena: survey no. 50
Sturgeon, Catharine M. |
1986 |
8 |
2 |
p. 125-127 3 p. |
artikel |
2 |
Bacterial cell wall isolation by filtration
Thompson, J.Stuart |
1986 |
8 |
2 |
p. 93-96 4 p. |
artikel |
3 |
1986 |
8 |
2 |
p. 128- 1 p. |
artikel |
4 |
Engineering and economics of cellulose saccharification systems
Ladisch, Michael R. |
1986 |
8 |
2 |
p. 66-69 4 p. |
artikel |
5 |
Evaluation of enzyme distribution in spherical supports by computed fluorescence tomography
Lasch, J. |
1986 |
8 |
2 |
p. 115-119 5 p. |
artikel |
6 |
Extracellular amylase synthesis by Streptomyces limosus
Fairbairn, D.A. |
1986 |
8 |
2 |
p. 89-92 4 p. |
artikel |
7 |
Fluorimetric estimation of exo-cellobiohydrolase and β-d-glucosidase activities in cellulase from Aspergillus fumigatus Fresenius
Heptinstall, John |
1986 |
8 |
2 |
p. 70-74 5 p. |
artikel |
8 |
Isolation of a hypercellulolytic mutant (Cu-1) of Penicillium funiculosum
Lachke, A.H. |
1986 |
8 |
2 |
p. 105-108 4 p. |
artikel |
9 |
Kinetics of extraction of invertase from autolysed bakers' yeast cells
Illanes, A. |
1986 |
8 |
2 |
p. 81-84 4 p. |
artikel |
10 |
Lignin degrading activity of Phanerochaete chrysosporium Burds.: comparison of cellulase-negative and other strains
Kirk, T.Kent |
1986 |
8 |
2 |
p. 75-80 6 p. |
artikel |
11 |
Osmotic shock-induced release of low molecular weight metabolites from free-living and immobilized cyanobacteria
Reed, Robert H. |
1986 |
8 |
2 |
p. 101-104 4 p. |
artikel |
12 |
Purification and properties of an alcohol dehydrogenase from Sporotrichum pulverulentum
Rudge, John |
1986 |
8 |
2 |
p. 120-124 5 p. |
artikel |
13 |
Separation of 5-methylcytosine-rich DNA using immobilized antibody
Deobagkar, D.N. |
1986 |
8 |
2 |
p. 97-100 4 p. |
artikel |
14 |
Size-exclusion effect of a substrate upon kinetics of trypsin immobilized on porous bead cellulose. 1. Influence of distribution coefficient of a substrate
Gemeiner, Peter |
1986 |
8 |
2 |
p. 109-114 6 p. |
artikel |
15 |
Two-liquid phase biocatalysis: epoxidation of 1,7-octadiene by Pseudomonas putida
Harbron, S. |
1986 |
8 |
2 |
p. 85-88 4 p. |
artikel |