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                             32 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A comparative study, distribution, predicted no-effect concentration (PNEC) and contamination assessment of phenol with heavy metal contents in two coastal areas on the Egyptian Mediterranean Sea coast El Zokm, Gehan M.

179 C p.
2 A network analysis of connected biophysical pathways to advice eelgrass (Zostera marina) restoration Pastor, Ane

179 C p.
3 Antioxidant response of the oyster Crassostrea hongkongensis exposed to diel-cycling hypoxia under different salinities Wei, Shuaishuai

179 C p.
4 Changes in lipid and fatty acid contents of gonad during the reproductive cycle of the Mediterranean swordfish Xiphias gladius Sardenne, Fany

179 C p.
5 Complementary molecular and visual sampling of fish on oil and gas platforms provides superior biodiversity characterisation Alexander, Jason B.

179 C p.
6 Concentrations of transparent exopolymer particles (TEPs) and their role in the carbon export in the South China Sea and western tropical North Pacific Guo, Shujin

179 C p.
7 Do magnetic fields related to submarine power cables affect the functioning of a common bivalve? Jakubowska-Lehrmann, Magdalena

179 C p.
8 Editorial Board
179 C p.
9 Effects of light intensity, temperature, and salinity in allelopathic interactions between coexisting Synechococcus sp. phenotypes Konarzewska, Zofia

179 C p.
10 Eutrophication reduced the release of dissolved organic carbon from tropical seagrass roots through exudation and decomposition Jiang, Zhijian

179 C p.
11 Green turtles nest survival: Quantifying the hidden predation de Faria, Luan Amaral Pinheiro

179 C p.
12 Groundwater discharge locally shapes the rocky shore macroinvertebrate community in South-Southwest Portugal Julián E, Londoño-Londoño

179 C p.
13 How to quantify algal turf sediments and particulates on tropical and temperate reefs: An overview Tebbett, Sterling B.

179 C p.
14 Mechanism of MnO2 nanorods toxicity in marine microalgae Chlorella sorokiniana during long-term exposure Khalifeh, Fatemeh

179 C p.
15 Mediterranean Sea shelters for the gold coral Savalia savaglia (Bertoloni, 1819): An assessment of potential distribution of a rare parasitic species Pulido Mantas, Torcuato

179 C p.
16 Metal contamination and heat stress impair swimming behavior and acetylcholinesterase activity in embryo-larval stages of the Mediterranean mussel, Mytilus galloprovincialis Boukadida, Khouloud

179 C p.
17 Microplastics cause neurotoxicity and decline of enzymatic activities in important bioturbator Hediste diversicolor Urban-Malinga, Barbara

179 C p.
18 Molecular diversity and assemblages of coral symbionts (Symbiodiniaceae) in diverse scleractinian coral species Lee, Li Keat

179 C p.
19 Patatin-like phospholipase A-induced alterations in lipid metabolism and jasmonic acid production affect the heat tolerance of Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis Wu, Chunmei

179 C p.
20 Physiological acclimation of Ulva prolifera to seasonal environmental factors drives green tides in the Yellow Sea Wu, Hailong

179 C p.
21 Physiological response to seawater pH of the bivalve Abra alba, a benthic ecosystem engineer, is modulated by low pH Vlaminck, Ellen

179 C p.
22 Polymer composition analysis of plastic debris ingested by loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) in Southern Tyrrhenian Sea through ATR-FTIR spectroscopy Bruno, Chiara

179 C p.
23 Rainfall induced water and nutrient fluxes at a mangrove estuary Terada, Kazumi

179 C p.
24 Remnant oyster reefs as fish habitat within the estuarine seascape Martínez-Baena, Francisco

179 C p.
25 Responses to simultaneous anthropogenic and biological stressors were mixed in an experimental saltmarsh ecosystem Blake, Rachael E.

179 C p.
26 Simulated megaherbivore grazing as a driver of seagrass flowering Lekammudiyanse, Manuja U.

179 C p.
27 Simulated response of St. Joseph Bay, Florida, seagrass meadows and their belowground carbon to anthropogenic and climate impacts Lebrasse, Marie Cindy

179 C p.
28 Sizes of crab burrows regulate water–salt transport of tidal marsh wetlands Xie, Lumeng

179 C p.
29 The ecotoxicology of marine tributyltin (TBT) hotspots: A review Beyer, Jonny

179 C p.
30 The effect of short-term temperature exposure on vital physiological processes of mixoplankton and protozooplankton Ferreira, Guilherme D.

179 C p.
31 The MicroClimate Screen – A microscale climate exposure system for assessing the effect of CO2, temperature and UV on marine microalgae Xie, Li

179 C p.
32 Unravelling the drivers of variability in body condition and reproduction of the European sardine along the Atlantic-Mediterranean transition Caballero-Huertas, M.

179 C p.
                             32 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland