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                             7 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Abiotic stress elements in in vitro potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) exposed to air-based and liquid-based ultrasound: A comparative transcriptomic assessment Dobránszki, Judit

158 C p. 47-56
2 Editorial Board
158 C p. ii
3 Editorial: 2020 – The year of viruses Noble, Denis

158 C p. 1-3
4 Fanconi anemia-independent DNA inter-strand crosslink repair in eukaryotes Rogers, Cody M.

158 C p. 33-46
5 GHK eq. and HH eq. for a real system is mathematically associable to each other but their physiological interpretation needs a reconsideration Tamagawa, Hirohisa

158 C p. 4-15
6 Quantum information theoretic approach to the mind–brain problem Georgiev, Danko D.

158 C p. 16-32
7 “Thermoeconomics”: Time to move beyond the second law Corning, Peter A.

158 C p. 57-65
                             7 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland