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                             32 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 An attempt to correct the underestimation of inequality measures in cross-survey imputation through generalized additive models for location, scale and shape Betti, Gianni

91 C p.
2 A novel decision support system for the appraisal and selection of green warehouses Sandra, Michael

91 C p.
3 Assessing the triage and efficacy of strategies of SAARC to improve regional integrity of South Asia using multicriteria group decision making under q-rung orthopair hesitant fuzzy environment Gayen, Souvik

91 C p.
4 A two-stage stochastic game model for elective surgical capacity planning and investment Acuna, Jorge A.

91 C p.
5 Building a composite index using the multi-objective approach: An application to the case of human development Öztürk, Elif Göksu

91 C p.
6 Comparative performance of Algeria's education districts: The Influence of colonial legacy through cultural capital Touati-Tliba, Mohamed

91 C p.
7 Determining criteria weights with genetic algorithms for multi-criteria decision making methods: The case of logistics performance index rankings of European Union countries Gürler, Hasan Emin

91 C p.
8 Does economic liberalization foster corporate investment? Theory and evidence from US and Canadian firms Iona, Alfonsina

91 C p.
9 Does productivity change at all in Swedish district courts? Empirical analysis focusing on horizontal mergers Chen, Xiaoqing

91 C p.
10 Doubly multiplicative error models with long- and short-run components Amendola, A.

91 C p.
11 Dynamic evolution of China's government environmental regulation capability and its impact on the coupling coordinated development of the economy-environment Kou, Po

91 C p.
12 Editorial Board
91 C p.
13 Factors affecting efficient discharge of judicial functions: Insights from Indian courts Gupta, Maansi

91 C p.
14 Fuzzy multiple regressions for Cross-Section and Panel data Belhadj, Besma

91 C p.
15 How does urban land use efficiency improve resource and environment carrying capacity? Zhang, Han

91 C p.
16 How public education investment and advanced human capital structure affect regional innovation: A spatial econometric analysis from the perspective of innovation value chain Liu, Zijun

91 C p.
17 Implications of trust, preparedness, risk perceptions, and local context on deprivation costs and disaster relief planning Amaya, Johanna

91 C p.
18 Improving the consumer welfare of rural residents through public support policies: A study on old revolutionary areas in China He, Congxian

91 C p.
19 Local government efficiency and economic growth: The Italian case Perugini, Francesco

91 C p.
20 Measuring child vulnerability to poverty: Material and psychosocial deprivation Sánchez, Angeles

91 C p.
21 Measuring participation in undeclared work in Europe using survey data: A method for resolving social desirability bias Arezzo, Maria Felice

91 C p.
22 Measuring productivity in networks: A game-theoretic approach Allouch, N.

91 C p.
23 Natural disasters, stock price volatility in the property-liability insurance market and sustainability: An unexplored link Montero, José-María

91 C p.
24 Patient adherence in healthcare operations: A narrative review Kılıç, Hakan

91 C p.
25 Performance evaluation considering academic misconduct of China’s higher education institutions Shen, Wanfang

91 C p.
26 Some considerations on assessing the importance of a coefficient Ramos-Carvajal, Carmen

91 C p.
27 Spatial association network of carbon emission performance: Formation mechanism and structural characteristics Feng, Xinhui

91 C p.
28 Spatial patterns of territorial competitiveness: The role of peripherality, urbanization and physical geography Fantechi, Federico

91 C p.
29 Suburban fertility and the role of local contexts in a Mediterranean country: A spatial exercise Ermini, Barbara

91 C p.
30 Sustainable development spillover effects among selected Asian countries: Analysis of integrated sustainability perspective Liang, Yao

91 C p.
31 The gender gap in life expectancy and lifespan disparity as social risk indicators for international countries: A fuzzy clustering approach Alaimo, Leonardo Salvatore

91 C p.
32 The MEREC-AROMAN method for determining sustainable competitiveness levels: A case study for Turkey Kara, Karahan

91 C p.
                             32 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland