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1 |
A hyperosmotic stress-induced mRNA of carp cell encodes Na+- and Cl−-dependent high affinity taurine transporter 1 The sequence reported in this paper has been deposited in the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank database with accession no. AB006986. 1
Takeuchi, Kazuharu |
2000 |
1464 |
2 |
p. 219-230 12 p. |
artikel |
2 |
Biochemical and biophysical characterization of in vitro folded outer membrane porin PorA of Neisseria meningitidis
Jansen, Carmen |
2000 |
1464 |
2 |
p. 284-298 15 p. |
artikel |
3 |
Biological function of the LH receptor is associated with slow receptor rotational diffusion
Roess, Deborah A |
2000 |
1464 |
2 |
p. 242-250 9 p. |
artikel |
4 |
Effects of lectins on calcification by vesicles isolated from aortas of cholesterol-fed rabbits
Hsu, Howard H.T. |
2000 |
1464 |
2 |
p. 262-272 11 p. |
artikel |
5 |
Functional role of cysteine residues in the (Na,K)-ATPase α subunit
Shi, Hongliang G |
2000 |
1464 |
2 |
p. 177-187 11 p. |
artikel |
6 |
Glucose induces a Na+,K+-ATPase-dependent transient hyperpolarization in human sperm. I. Induction of changes in plasma membrane potential by the proton ionophore CCCP
Guzmán-Grenfell, Alberto Martı́n |
2000 |
1464 |
2 |
p. 188-198 11 p. |
artikel |
7 |
Interaction of oligonucleotides with cationic lipids: the relationship between electrostatics, hydration and state of aggregation 1 A preliminary report of this study was presented by V.M. Meidan et al. at the Monte Verita Workshop on Gene and Oligonucleotide Delivery of Therapeutics and Vaccines, organized by the Department of Pharmacy, ETH Zurich, Ascona, Switzerland, April 23–24, 1999. 1
Meidan, Victor M. |
2000 |
1464 |
2 |
p. 251-261 11 p. |
artikel |
8 |
Molecular weight determination of membrane proteins by sedimentation equilibrium at the sucrose or Nycodenz-adjusted density of the hydrated detergent micelle 1 1 Dedication: In memory of our late friend Martin Zulauf, who crashed with his ‘Ultralight’ on June 17, 1995 in France. He published more than 50 papers on detergents and their interactions with proteins. It was always a pleasure to work with him and we hope that this modest contribution will be in his sense.
Lustig, Ariel |
2000 |
1464 |
2 |
p. 199-206 8 p. |
artikel |
9 |
Oligonucleotide delivery by a cationic derivative of the polyene antibiotic amphotericin B
Blanc, Isabelle |
2000 |
1464 |
2 |
p. 299-308 10 p. |
artikel |
10 |
Oligonucleotide delivery by a cationic derivative of the polyene antibiotic amphotericin B
Blanc, Isabelle |
2000 |
1464 |
2 |
p. 309-321 13 p. |
artikel |
11 |
Radiation inactivation studies of hepatic sinusoidal reduced glutathione transport system
Mittur, Aravind V. |
2000 |
1464 |
2 |
p. 207-218 12 p. |
artikel |
12 |
The effect of hexadecaprenyl diphosphate on phospholipid membranes
Janas, Tadeusz |
2000 |
1464 |
2 |
p. 273-283 11 p. |
artikel |
13 |
Variation of phospholamban in slow-twitch muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum between mammalian species and a link to the substrate specificity of endogenous Ca2+-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase
Damiani, Ernesto |
2000 |
1464 |
2 |
p. 231-241 11 p. |
artikel |