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                             15 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A model for the solubility of anhydrite in H2O-NaCl fluids from 25 to 800 °C, 0.1 to 1400 MPa, and 0 to 60 wt% NaCl: Applications to hydrothermal ore-forming systems Creaser, Emily C.

587 C p.
2 A strontium isoscape of Italy for provenance studies Lugli, Federico

587 C p.
3 Disentangling diagenetic and biogenic trace elements and Sr radiogenic isotopes in fossil dental enamel using laser ablation analysis Rey, Léonie

587 C p.
4 Editorial Board
587 C p.
5 Effect of barite-bound Sr on detrital Sr isotope systematics in marine sediments Wu, Jiawang

587 C p.
6 Extensive jarosite deposits formed through auto-combustion and weathering of pyritiferous mudstone, Smoking Hills (Ingniryuat), Northwest Territories, Canadian Arctic – A potential Mars analogue Grasby, S.E.

587 C p.
7 Fate and availability of dust-borne phosphorus in a sub-humid temperate forest Zhang, Zhuojun

587 C p.
8 Geochemical evidence for secondary microbial gas in deep hot reservoirs of the Tarim Basin Wang, Daowei

587 C p.
9 Influence of crystal nucleus and lattice defects on dolomite growth: Geological implications for carbonate reservoirs Yang, Leilei

587 C p.
10 Mantle sources of ocean islands basalts revealed from noble gas isotope systematics Day, James M.D.

587 C p.
11 Mid-Cretaceous Wake seamounts in NW Pacific originate from secondary mantle plumes with Arago hotspot composition Wei, Xun

587 C p.
12 Ni partitioning between olivine and highly alkaline melts: An experimental study Koshlyakova, Alina N.

587 C p.
13 Persistence of old soil carbon under changing climate: The role of mineral-organic matter interactions Grant, Katherine E.

587 C p.
14 Simultaneous fractionation of sulfur dioxide explains mass independent fractionation of sulfur isotopes in Archean sedimentary pyrites Chen, M.

587 C p.
15 Strontium isotope fractionation during precipitation of strontianite in aqueous solutions as a function of temperature and reaction rate Alkhatib, Mahmoud

587 C p.
                             15 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland