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                             26 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Altered movement dynamics in soldiers undergoing multiple bouts of load carriage Brink, Kolby J.

119 C p.
2 Can pre-visit exposure to virtual tours of healthcare facilities help reduce child and parent anxiety during outpatient surgical procedures? Mihandoust, Sahar

119 C p.
3 Can thoraco-abdominal organ boundaries be accurately determined from X-ray and anthropometric surface scans? Implications for body armour system coverage and design Coltman, C.E.

119 C p.
4 Cognitive workload classification of law enforcement officers using physiological responses Wozniak, David

119 C p.
5 Comparison of multi-task ergonomic assessment methods for risk of upper extremity and low back musculoskeletal disorders Jorgensen, Michael J.

119 C p.
6 Designing a learning tool for translating resilience in healthcare into practice: A qualitative mixed methods study Haraldseid-Driftland, Cecilie

119 C p.
7 Designing digital patient experiences: The digital health design framework Wang, Tingting

119 C p.
8 Development of a virtual reality system usability questionnaire (VRSUQ) Kim, Yong Min

119 C p.
9 Diurnal biological effects of correlated colour temperature and its exposure timing on alertness, cognition, and mood in an enclosed environment Li, YanJie

119 C p.
10 Editorial Board
119 C p.
11 Effectiveness of a passive military exoskeleton in off-loading weight during static and dynamic load carriage: A randomised cross-over study Kong, Pui Wah

119 C p.
12 Effects of dynamic visual feedback system on seasickness de Thierry de Faletans, Camille

119 C p.
13 Enabling cyber resilient shipping through maritime security operation center adoption: A human factors perspective Nganga, Allan

119 C p.
14 Estimating pedestrian walking speed at street crossings using the YOLOv4 and deep SORT algorithms: Proof of principle Ghomashchi, Hamed

119 C p.
15 Eye tracking and audio sensors to evaluate surgeon's non-technical skills: An empirical study Narasimha, Shraddhaa

119 C p.
16 Human-cobot collaboration's impact on success, time completion, errors, workload, gestures and acceptability during an assembly task Fournier, Étienne

119 C p.
17 Influence of floor inclination on handle push and pull forces production of the upper limb Abautret, Matthieu

119 C p.
18 Life onboard a submarine: Sleep, fatigue, and lifestyle behaviors of sailors on a circadian-aligned watchstanding schedule Chabal, Sarah A.

119 C p.
19 Preventive health measures in small and medium-sized enterprises: A scoping review on implementation strategies Röben, Thomas

119 C p.
20 Priority influences task selection decisions in multi-task management Lewis, Christina M.

119 C p.
21 Revealing complex interdependencies in surgical instrument reprocessing using SEIPS 101 tools Segarra, Gabriel C.

119 C p.
22 The operational development of diagnostic seasickness criteria through a human cyber-physical system Taylor, Nicole Catherine

119 C p.
23 The roles of phishing knowledge, cue utilization, and decision styles in phishing email detection Sturman, Daniel

119 C p.
24 The UK VIRTUS helmet: User feedback from Operation TORAL in Afghanistan Breeze, J.

119 C p.
25 Traditional versus dynamic sitting: Lumbar spine kinematics and pain during computer work and activity guided tasks Davidson, Jessa M.

119 C p.
26 Use of a wearable electromyography armband to detect lift-lower tasks and classify hand loads Taori, Sakshi

119 C p.
                             26 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland