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                             75 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A combined interface phase field (CIPF) model for interfacial crack propagation Zhou, Chen

295 C p.
2 A consistent multi-phase-field formulation for anisotropic brittle fracture Bijaya, Ananya

295 C p.
3 A fatigue life prediction model of flexible spoke non-pneumatic tires Fu, Hongxun

295 C p.
4 A generalization ability-enhanced image recognition based multiaxial fatigue life prediction method for complex loading conditions Zhou, Tianguo

295 C p.
5 A microstructure-based modeling of delayed hydride cracking in Zr-2.5Nb pressure tube material Jha, Anjali

295 C p.
6 Analysis of three-dimensional cracks horizontally placed in transversely isotropic FGMs under interior compressive stresses Xiao, Hongtian

295 C p.
7 An analytical model for thermoelastic crack problems in a strip incorporating convective heat transfer between lateral surfaces and ambient environment Zhang, Aibing

295 C p.
8 An energy-based chemo-thermo-mechanical damage model for early-age concrete Wang, Yu-Shuang

295 C p.
9 An explicit updated Lagrangian fragile points method for dynamic fracture simulations Li, Mingjing

295 C p.
10 An improved peridynamic model for failure analysis of composite laminates Yang, X.W.

295 C p.
11 An intelligent crack damage assessment method by integrating information and physics Long, Xiangyun

295 C p.
12 A novel defect-related cyclic damage model driven by strain energy density for LPBF titanium alloy Pan, Jinchao

295 C p.
13 A novel testing method for examining mode II fracture of rock and its application Cao, Peiwang

295 C p.
14 A numerical framework for simulating progressive failure in composite laminates under high-cycle fatigue loading Hofman, P.

295 C p.
15 A progressive damage model for 3D woven composites integrating kinking-buckling competition Wu, Siyang

295 C p.
16 A proposal for similitude in characterizing fatigue delamination behavior with fibre bridging of carbon-fibre reinforced polymer composites Yao, Liaojun

295 C p.
17 A thermodynamic model for predicting the stress–strain relation of stochastic heterogeneous materials with experimental verification Huang, Zhaowen

295 C p.
18 Ballistic and delamination mechanism of CFRP /aluminum laminates subjected to high velocity impact Gao, Yubo

295 C p.
19 Compression-shear fracture of nickel-based superalloy during rotary tube piercing Zhang, Zhe

295 C p.
20 Computational damage analysis of metal matrix composites to identify optimum particle characteristics in indentation process Naguib, M.E.

295 C p.
21 Constitutive relationship and fracture mechanism for wide stress triaxiality of titanium alloy Feng, Rui

295 C p.
22 Coupled thermo-mechanical field-enriched finite element method for simulating the thermal failure process of quasi-brittle solids Zhou, Xiaoping

295 C p.
23 Damage evolution and fracture of aluminum alloy based on a modified Lemaitre model Li, Yutao

295 C p.
24 Different effects of interfacial properties on the tensile and compressive damage mechanisms of 3D woven composites: Multiscale damage model and numerical comparative study Zheng, Tao

295 C p.
25 Differential geometry-based thermodynamics derivation of isotropic and anisotropic eikonal non-local gradient (ENLG) damage models using a micromorphic media framework Ribeiro Nogueira, Breno

295 C p.
26 Editorial Board
295 C p.
27 Effect of filler materials on the tensile properties and fracture toughness of laser beam welded AA2198 joints under different ageing conditions Examilioti, Theano N.

295 C p.
28 Effect of mixed-mode loading on surface crack propagation in steels Yarullin, R.R.

295 C p.
29 Effect of strain rate on specific fracture energy and micro-fracture surface properties of rock specimen under dynamic uniaxial compression Malachi Ozoji, Toochukwu

295 C p.
30 Effects of fiber characteristics and specimen sizes on static and dynamic split-tensile failures of BFLAC: 3D mesoscopic simulations Yu, Wenxuan

295 C p.
31 Estimating the initial fracture energy of concrete using various machine learning techniques Albaijan, Ibrahim

295 C p.
32 E 2 -TFA based multiscale analysis of failure in elasto-plastic composites Singh, Harpreet

295 C p.
33 Experimental investigation of the fracture and damage evolution characteristics of flawed coal based on electric potential and acoustic emission parameter analyses Zang, Zesheng

295 C p.
34 Experimental investigation on mode I fracture characteristics of Longmaxi formation shale after cyclic thermal shock and high-temperature acid etching treatments Chang, Xin

295 C p.
35 Experimental study on effects of cyclic loading paths on cracking behavior and fracture characteristics of granite Xue, Fei

295 C p.
36 Experimental study on fracture propagation in anisotropy rock under cyclic hydraulic fracturing Heidari Moghaddam, Reza

295 C p.
37 Fatigue fracture mechanisms and life prediction of welded S310 - S321 joints at high temperature Shen, Zeshuai

295 C p.
38 Fatigue life prediction considering individual modulus for unidirectional needled C/SiC composites under variable amplitude loading Yin, Xiang

295 C p.
39 Formation mechanism of zig-zag crack region on the shattered rim of railway wheel Liu, Xiaolong

295 C p.
40 Fracture behavior of superconductor REBCO tapes with multiple edge cracks under electromagnetic force An, Dongming

295 C p.
41 Fracture development around wellbore excavation: Insights from a 2D thermo-mechanical FDEM analysis Cui, Wenjun

295 C p.
42 Fracture mechanics-based analysis of the fatigue limit of Ti6Al4V alloy specimens manufactured by SLM in as-built surface conditions by means of areal measurements Rigon, D.

295 C p.
43 Fracture parameter identification by Digital Image Correlation and Finite Fracture Mechanics for millimeter-scale samples Duminy, Thomas

295 C p.
44 Fracture resistance of polyacrylamide-alginate hydrogels Reinhards-Hervás, C.

295 C p.
45 Function of cleavage strength for symmetrical tilt grain boundaries Hu, Shiwei

295 C p.
46 Hybrid and gradient design of ultra-thin-ply composite laminates for synergistic suppression of delamination and fiber fracture damage modes Li, Xinyue

295 C p.
47 Insight into the fracture behaviour and mechanical response of ECAP processed cast and LPBF AlSi10Mg alloy Żaba, Krzysztof

295 C p.
48 In-situ fracture toughness measurement of multilayer graphene Hyong Cho, Joon

295 C p.
49 Investigation of fracture source mechanisms through full-field imaging and acoustic emission Heinzmann, Raphael

295 C p.
50 mechanical strength of different zirconia thin films in relation with their thickness Berdin, Clotilde

295 C p.
51 Mechanism of hydraulic fracture vertical propagation in deep shale formation based on elastic–plastic model Liao, Songze

295 C p.
52 Mesoscale modelling of the dynamic tensile strength enhancement of concrete in spalling tests using interface elements Zhou, Rongxin

295 C p.
53 Mesoscopic evaluation of the bond behavior of concrete with deformed rebar subjected to passive confinement employing 3D discrete model Shoaib Karam, Muhammad

295 C p.
54 Microstructural feature-driven machine learning for predicting mechanical tensile strength of laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) additively manufactured Ti6Al4V alloy Wang, Haijie

295 C p.
55 Microstructure analysis and life prediction of DD6 superalloy under 760 °C combined high and low cycle fatigue conditions Liu, L.

295 C p.
56 Microstructure and pore sensitivities in very high cycle fatigue behaviors of titanium alloy welded joints under stress ratios Liu, Fulin

295 C p.
57 Mode I fracture analysis of Fe-SMA bonded double cantilever beam considering nonlinear behavior of the adherends Pichler, Niels

295 C p.
58 Modified Williams’ crack tip solution including crack face pressure Zhang, Huadong

295 C p.
59 Nanofracture of graphyne family with geometrical distortions of crack fronts Yang, Xing

295 C p.
60 Numerical analysis of multi-field coupling behaviors of delayed hydride cracking for thin plate-type Zr-2.5Nb specimens Ding, Guochen

295 C p.
61 On the solution of unstable fracture problems with non-linear cohesive laws Vieira de Carvalho, M.

295 C p.
62 Peridynamic modelling of dynamic damage and fragmentation of cracked solids during impact contact Wang, Luyu

295 C p.
63 Peridynamic model of ECC-concrete composite beam under impact loading Cheng, Zhanqi

295 C p.
64 Peridynamics-based analysis on fracture behaviors of a turbine blade shroud Wang, Han

295 C p.
65 Phase field modeling of dynamic fracture in elastoplastic composites with interfacial debonding Li, Pengfei

295 C p.
66 Phase field study on fracture behavior of crushable polymer foam Kong, Jiahao

295 C p.
67 Remaining fatigue life assessment of high-speed railway wheel web under measured load spectra Ao, Ni

295 C p.
68 Shear cracking behavior of pre-damaged PVA-aggregate mixed ECC beams: Direct observation using DIC Wang, Yi

295 C p.
69 Spatiotemporal variations of creep damage in dissimilar welded joints Luo, Xiaowu

295 C p.
70 Structural, thermal and acoustic aspects of crack propagation in titanium alloys Iziumova, Anastasia

295 C p.
71 Supershear rupture with a two-scale damage model Dascalu, Cristian

295 C p.
72 Temperature effects on fatigue delamination behavior in thermoset composite laminates Yao, Liaojun

295 C p.
73 Tension-shear extension criteria used in PFC2D to reveal a brittle failure of rock bridges in rock slopes with stepped joints Qin, Chang'an

295 C p.
74 Two different micro-polar phase-field models for brittle fracture and their open-source finite element implementation Behera, Akash Kumar

295 C p.
75 Using cohesive zone models with digital image correlation to obtain a mixed mode I/II fracture envelope of a tough epoxy Jackson, Christopher M.

295 C p.
                             75 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland