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                             10 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Decomposing a deterministic path to mesenchymal niche formation by two intersecting morphogen gradients Qu, Rihao

57 8 p. 1053-1067.e5
2 Microtubules promote the non-cell autonomous action of microRNAs by inhibiting their cytoplasmic loading onto ARGONAUTE1 in Arabidopsis Fan, Lusheng

57 8 p. 995-1008.e5
3 Paramecium Polycomb repressive complex 2 physically interacts with the small RNA-binding PIWI protein to repress transposable elements Miró-Pina, Caridad

57 8 p. 1037-1052.e8
4 Rapid and efficient degradation of endogenous proteins in vivo identifies stage-specific roles of RNA Pol II pausing in mammalian development Abuhashem, Abderhman

57 8 p. 1068-1080.e6
5 RBPMS is an RNA-binding protein that mediates cardiomyocyte binucleation and cardiovascular development Gan, Peiheng

57 8 p. 959-973.e7
6 RNA splicing to cytoskeleton: A new path to cardiomyocyte ploidy and division? Liu, Shijie

57 8 p. 945-946
7 Surviving and thriving: How plants perceive and respond to temperature stress Ding, Yanglin

57 8 p. 947-958
8 Upregulation of ribosome biogenesis via canonical E-boxes is required for Myc-driven proliferation Zielke, Norman

57 8 p. 1024-1036.e5
9 VAP-A and its binding partner CERT drive biogenesis of RNA-containing extracellular vesicles at ER membrane contact sites Barman, Bahnisikha

57 8 p. 974-994.e8
10 Visceral mesoderm signaling regulates assembly position and function of the Drosophila testis niche Anllo, Lauren

57 8 p. 1009-1023.e5
                             10 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland