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                             9 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Distinct p53 isoforms code for opposing transcriptional outcomes Wylie, Annika

57 15 p. 1833-1846.e6
2 FoxA1 and FoxA2 control growth and cellular identity in NKX2-1-positive lung adenocarcinoma Orstad, Grace

57 15 p. 1866-1882.e10
3 Interferon-γ resistance and immune evasion in glioma develop via Notch-regulated co-evolution of malignant and immune cells Parmigiani, Elena

57 15 p. 1847-1865.e9
4 Neural crest mechanosensors: Seeing old proteins in a new light Canales Coutiño, Brenda

57 15 p. 1792-1801
5 Neurexin and frizzled intercept axonal transport at microtubule minus ends to control synapse formation Balseiro-Gómez, Santiago

57 15 p. 1802-1816.e4
6 Single-cell and spatial mapping Identify cell types and signaling Networks in the human ureter Fink, Emily E.

57 15 p. 1899-1916.e6
7 Sulfenylation of ENOLASE2 facilitates H2O2-conferred freezing tolerance in Arabidopsis Liu, Wen-Cheng

57 15 p. 1883-1898.e5
8 Temporally dynamic antagonism between transcription and chromatin compaction controls stochastic photoreceptor specification in flies Voortman, Lukas

57 15 p. 1817-1832.e5
9 VAB-8 stops dynein in its tracks to regulate synaptic delivery Palumbos, Sierra D.

57 15 p. 1789-1791
                             9 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland