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                             10 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A cilia-independent function of BBSome mediated by DLK-MAPK signaling in C. elegans photosensation Zhang, Xinxing

57 12 p. 1545-1557.e4
2 Brief encounters: The relationship between enhancer proximity and gene expression Ray-Jones, Helen

57 12 p. 1439-1441
3 EED is required for mouse primordial germ cell differentiation in the embryonic gonad Lowe, Matthew G.

57 12 p. 1482-1495.e5
4 Embigin is a fibronectin receptor that affects sebaceous gland differentiation and metabolism Sipilä, Kalle

57 12 p. 1453-1465.e7
5 Fetomaternal microchimerism in tissue repair and tumor development Sedov, Egor

57 12 p. 1442-1452
6 Guidance by followers ensures long-range coordination of cell migration through α-catenin mechanoperception Boutillon, Arthur

57 12 p. 1529-1544.e5
7 IL18 signaling causes islet β cell development and insulin secretion via different receptors on acinar and β cells Zhang, Xian

57 12 p. 1496-1511.e6
8 Keratinocytes cut corners on the cell cycle for the sake of skin barrier integrity Hou, Renzhi

57 12 p. 1437-1438
9 Macrophages trigger cardiomyocyte proliferation by increasing epicardial vegfaa expression during larval zebrafish heart regeneration Bruton, Finnius A.

57 12 p. 1512-1528.e5
10 PDGF signaling inhibits mitophagy in glioblastoma stem cells through N 6 -methyladenosine Lv, Deguan

57 12 p. 1466-1481.e6
                             10 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland