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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 An essential role for the piRNA pathway in regulating the ribosomal RNA pool in C. elegans Wahba, Lamia

56 16 p. 2295-2312.e6
2 Autophagic elimination of ribosomes during spermiogenesis provides energy for flagellar motility Lei, Yuqing

56 16 p. 2313-2328.e7
3 Distinct classes of lagging chromosome underpin age-related oocyte aneuploidy in mouse Mihajlović, Aleksandar I.

56 16 p. 2273-2283.e3
4 Extremely rapid and reversible optogenetic perturbation of nuclear proteins in living embryos Kögler, Anna C.

56 16 p. 2348-2363.e8
5 Metabolic plasticity drives development during mammalian embryogenesis Sharpley, Mark S.

56 16 p. 2329-2347.e6
6 Proliferative stem cells maintain quiescence of their niche by secreting the Activin inhibitor Follistatin Herrera, Salvador C.

56 16 p. 2284-2294.e6
7 RNA-induced inflammation and migration of precursor neurons initiates neuronal circuit regeneration in zebrafish Vandestadt, Celia

56 16 p. 2364-2380.e8
8 Salivary gland: A budding genius Cazares, Oscar

56 16 p. 2271-2272
9 Spatial transcriptional mapping of the human nephrogenic program Lindström, Nils O.

56 16 p. 2381-2398.e6
10 Stem cell niche signaling goes both ways Raz, Amelie A.

56 16 p. 2267-2268
11 Who watches the watchmen? RNAi pathway-derived ribosomal small RNAs burgeon in absence of piRNAs Ramakrishna, Navin B.

56 16 p. 2269-2270
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland