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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Accelerated cell cycles enable organ regeneration under developmental time constraints in the Drosophila hindgut Cohen, Erez

56 14 p. 2059-2072.e3
2 A p53-dependent translational program directs tissue-selective phenotypes in a model of ribosomopathies Tiu, Gerald C.

56 14 p. 2089-2102.e11
3 De novo generation of macrophage from placenta-derived hemogenic endothelium Liang, Guixian

56 14 p. 2121-2133.e6
4 MDVs to the rescue: How autophagy-deficient cancer cells adapt to defective mitophagy Poillet-Perez, Laura

56 14 p. 2010-2012
5 Mitochondrial-derived vesicles compensate for loss of LC3-mediated mitophagy Towers, Christina G.

56 14 p. 2029-2042.e5
6 Move it to lose it: Mitocytosis expels damaged mitochondria Mehra, Chahat

56 14 p. 2014-2015
7 Proteostasis failure and mitochondrial dysfunction leads to aneuploidy-induced senescence Joy, Jery

56 14 p. 2043-2058.e7
8 Racing against the clock: How flies regenerate just in time Box, Allison M.

56 14 p. 2012-2013
9 SUMO fosters assembly and functionality of the MutSγ complex to facilitate meiotic crossing over He, Wei

56 14 p. 2073-2088.e3
10 The tail wags the tubulin Mani, Nandini

56 14 p. 2007-2009
11 α-tubulin tail modifications regulate microtubule stability through selective effector recruitment, not changes in intrinsic polymer dynamics Chen, Jiayi

56 14 p. 2016-2028.e4
12 Vangl2 limits chaperone-mediated autophagy to balance osteogenic differentiation in mesenchymal stem cells Gong, Yan

56 14 p. 2103-2120.e9
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland