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                             14 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Airway basal stem cells reutilize the embryonic proliferation regulator, Tgfβ-Id2 axis, for tissue regeneration Kiyokawa, Hirofumi

56 13 p. 1917-1929.e9
2 Apoptotic cells represent a dynamic stem cell niche governing proliferation and tissue regeneration Ankawa, Roi

56 13 p. 1900-1916.e5
3 Celebrating 20 years of cellular dynamics in development and disease in Developmental Cell—and looking forward to more! Le Good, J. Ann

56 13 p. 1819-1820
4 Differential compartmentalization of BMP4/NOGGIN requires NOGGIN trans-epithelial transport Phan-Everson, Tien

56 13 p. 1930-1944.e5
5 Extracellular vesicles: Critical players during cell migration Sung, Bong Hwan

56 13 p. 1861-1874
6 Glucose starvation induces autophagy via ULK1-mediated activation of PIKfyve in an AMPK-dependent manner Karabiyik, Cansu

56 13 p. 1961-1975.e5
7 Microenvironmental control of cell fate decisions in mammary gland development and cancer Rauner, Gat

56 13 p. 1875-1883
8 Microenvironmental innate immune signaling and cell mechanical responses promote tumor growth Zhou, Jun

56 13 p. 1884-1899.e5
9 Microenvironmental interactions of oligodendroglial cells Yalçın, Belgin

56 13 p. 1821-1832
10 Niches that regulate stem cells and hematopoiesis in adult bone marrow Comazzetto, Stefano

56 13 p. 1848-1860
11 Oncogene-regulated release of extracellular vesicles Kilinc, Seda

56 13 p. 1989-2006.e6
12 Polyploid mitosis and depolyploidization promote chromosomal instability and tumor progression in a Notch-induced tumor model Wang, Xian-Feng

56 13 p. 1976-1988.e4
13 The Polycomb group protein MEDEA controls cell proliferation and embryonic patterning in Arabidopsis Simonini, Sara

56 13 p. 1945-1960.e7
14 Tissue mechanics in stem cell fate, development, and cancer Hayward, Mary-Kate

56 13 p. 1833-1847
                             14 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland