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                             17 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A sweet way to regulate cellular growth: OGT and mTOR join forces Latorre-Muro, Pedro

83 16 p. 2832-2833
2 Catalytic and non-catalytic mechanisms of histone H4 lysine 20 methyltransferase SUV420H1 Abini-Agbomson, Stephen

83 16 p. 2872-2883.e7
3 Control of mRNA fate by its encoded nascent polypeptide Höpfler, Markus

83 16 p. 2840-2855
4 CTCF and R-loops are boundaries of cohesin-mediated DNA looping Zhang, Hongshan

83 16 p. 2856-2871.e8
5 Distinct layers of BRD4-PTEFb reveal bromodomain-independent function in transcriptional regulation Zheng, Bin

83 16 p. 2896-2910.e4
6 E4 ubiquitin ligase promotes mitofusin turnover and mitochondrial stress response Anton, Vincent

83 16 p. 2976-2990.e9
7 FAM120A couples SREBP-dependent transcription and splicing of lipogenesis enzymes downstream of mTORC1 Cho, Sungyun

83 16 p. 3010-3026.e8
8 Genetic dissection of crossover mutants defines discrete intermediates in mouse meiosis Premkumar, Tolkappiyan

83 16 p. 2941-2958.e7
9 How Pol α-primase is targeted to replisomes to prime eukaryotic DNA replication Jones, Morgan L.

83 16 p. 2911-2924.e16
10 Lifting the curtain on loop extrusion barriers: Single-molecule insights into cohesin stalling Braccioli, Luca

83 16 p. 2834-2836
11 Meet the authors: Ying Lu, Donghoon Lee, and Yanan Zhu Lu, Ying

83 16 p. 2829-2831
12 Molecular mechanism for activation of the 26S proteasome by ZFAND5 Lee, Donghoon

83 16 p. 2959-2975.e7
13 O-GlcNAcylation of Raptor transduces glucose signals to mTORC1 Xu, Chenchen

83 16 p. 3027-3040.e11
14 PLEKHS1 drives PI3Ks and remodels pathway homeostasis in PTEN-null prostate Chessa, Tamara A.M.

83 16 p. 2991-3009.e13
15 Structural insight into H4K20 methylation on H2A.Z-nucleosome by SUV420H1 Huang, Li

83 16 p. 2884-2895.e7
16 The pyrimidinosome: Orchestrating pyrimidine biosynthesis and ferroptosis defense Gan, Boyi

83 16 p. 2837-2839
17 Visualization of direct and diffusion-assisted RAD51 nucleation by full-length human BRCA2 protein Belan, Ondrej

83 16 p. 2925-2940.e8
                             17 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland