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                             18 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Polycomb domain found in committed cells impairs differentiation when introduced into PRC1 in pluripotent cells Jaensch, Elizabeth S.

81 22 p. 4677-4691.e8
2 Disordered and dead, but in good company: How a catalytically inactive UTX retains its function Cantu Oliveros, Heankel

81 22 p. 4577-4578
3 Improving the efficiency of CRISPR-Cas12a-based genome editing with site-specific covalent Cas12a-crRNA conjugates Ling, Xinyu

81 22 p. 4747-4756.e7
4 Intrinsic bias at non-canonical, β-arrestin-coupled seven transmembrane receptors Pandey, Shubhi

81 22 p. 4605-4621.e11
5 KARATE: PKA-induced KRAS4B-RHOA-mTORC2 supercomplex phosphorylates AKT in insulin signaling and glucose homeostasis Senoo, Hiroshi

81 22 p. 4622-4634.e8
6 Loss of nuclear DNA ligase III reverts PARP inhibitor resistance in BRCA1/53BP1 double-deficient cells by exposing ssDNA gaps Paes Dias, Mariana

81 22 p. 4692-4708.e9
7 MARylation meets ubiquitination in the ART of plant immunity Gough, Catherine

81 22 p. 4572-4574
8 Meet the authors: Shubhi Pandey and Arun K. Shukla
81 22 p. 4569-4571
9 Molecular mechanisms and functions of pyroptosis in inflammation and antitumor immunity Hou, Junwei

81 22 p. 4579-4590
10 Noncanonical mono(ADP-ribosyl)ation of zinc finger SZF proteins counteracts ubiquitination for protein homeostasis in plant immunity Kong, Liang

81 22 p. 4591-4604.e8
11 NRF1 association with AUTS2-Polycomb mediates specific gene activation in the brain Liu, Sanxiong

81 22 p. 4757
12 NRF1 association with AUTS2-Polycomb mediates specific gene activation in the brain Liu, Sanxiong

81 22 p. 4663-4676.e8
13 Oncogene-dependent sloppiness in mRNA translation Champagne, Julien

81 22 p. 4709-4721.e9
14 Proteome-wide mapping of short-lived proteins in human cells Li, Jiaming

81 22 p. 4722-4735.e5
15 Simultaneous profiling of multiple chromatin proteins in the same cells Gopalan, Sneha

81 22 p. 4736-4746.e5
16 Structural basis of polyamine transport by human ATP13A2 (PARK9) Sim, Sue Im

81 22 p. 4635-4649.e8
17 Structural mechanisms for gating and ion selectivity of the human polyamine transporter ATP13A2 Tillinghast, Jordan

81 22 p. 4650-4662.e4
18 The more the merrier: Simultaneous mapping of multiple chromatin components in a single sample Zentner, Gabriel E.

81 22 p. 4574-4576
                             18 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland