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                                       Details for article 14 of 20 found articles
  Lewy, Guenter: Jews and Germans. Promise, Tragedy, and the Search for Normalcy, 280 S., University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, NE/The Jewish Publication Society, Philadelphia, PA 2020.
Title: Lewy, Guenter: Jews and Germans. Promise, Tragedy, and the Search for Normalcy, 280 S., University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, NE/The Jewish Publication Society, Philadelphia, PA 2020.
Author: Friedrich, Klaus-Peter
Appeared in: Neue politische Literatur
Paging: Volume 66 () nr. 3 pages 352-355
Year: 2021-08-26
Publisher: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 14 of 20 found articles
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