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                                       Details for article 7 of 9 found articles
  Sensor faults diagnosis in aircraft lateral flight control using model based approaches - Modele dayali yaklaşimlar kullanilarak uçak yanlamasina uçuş kontrol sisteminde sensör arizalarinin teşhisi
Title: Sensor faults diagnosis in aircraft lateral flight control using model based approaches - Modele dayali yaklaşimlar kullanilarak uçak yanlamasina uçuş kontrol sisteminde sensör arizalarinin teşhisi
Author: Kiyak, Emre
Appeared in: Journal of aeronautics and space technologies = Havacilik ve uzay teknolojileri dergisi
Paging: Volume 8 (2015) nr. 1 pages 1-8
Year: 2015
Publisher: Turkish Air Force Academy, Istanbul
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 7 of 9 found articles
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