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  Reduction of High Cholesterol Levels by a Preferably Fixed-Combination Strategy as the First Step in the Treatment of Hypertensive Patients with Hypercholesterolemia and High/Very High Cardiovascular Risk: A Consensus Document by the Italian Society of Hypertension
Title: Reduction of High Cholesterol Levels by a Preferably Fixed-Combination Strategy as the First Step in the Treatment of Hypertensive Patients with Hypercholesterolemia and High/Very High Cardiovascular Risk: A Consensus Document by the Italian Society of Hypertension
Author: Grassi, Guido
Del Pinto, Rita
Agabiti Rosei, Claudia
Agnoletti, Davide
Borghi, Claudio
Cicero, Arrigo F. G.
De Ciuceis, Carolina
Desideri, Giovambattista
Grassi, Davide
Muiesan, Maria Lorenza
Paini, Anna
Salvetti, Massimo
Tocci, Giuliano
Veglio, Franco
Volpe, Massimo
Ferri, Claudio
Appeared in: High Blood pressure & cardiovascular prevention
Paging: Volume 29 () nr. 2 pages 105-113
Year: 2022-01-03
Publisher: Springer International Publishing, Cham
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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