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                                       Details for article 9 of 11 found articles
  Metabolic Age, an Index Based on Basal Metabolic Rate, Can Predict Individuals That are High Risk of Developing Metabolic Syndrome
Title: Metabolic Age, an Index Based on Basal Metabolic Rate, Can Predict Individuals That are High Risk of Developing Metabolic Syndrome
Author: Vásquez-Alvarez, Sarahi
Bustamante-Villagomez, Sergio K.
Vazquez-Marroquin, Gabriela
Porchia, Leonardo M.
Pérez-Fuentes, Ricardo
Torres-Rasgado, Enrique
Herrera-Fomperosa, Oscar
Montes-Arana, Ivette
Gonzalez-Mejia, M. Elba
Appeared in: High Blood pressure & cardiovascular prevention
Paging: Volume 28 () nr. 3 pages 263-270
Year: 2021-03-05
Publisher: Springer International Publishing, Cham
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 9 of 11 found articles
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