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                                       Details for article 9 of 12 found articles
  Study of Cellular Aging in a Cohort of Patients with Heart Failure
Title: Study of Cellular Aging in a Cohort of Patients with Heart Failure
Author: Elena, Bularca
María Izarbe, Merino-Casallo
Susana, Olivera-González
Sebastián, Menao-Guillén
José Luis, Sierra-Monzón
José María, Domingo-Morera
Miguel Ángel, Torralba-Cabeza
Appeared in: High Blood pressure & cardiovascular prevention
Paging: Volume 28 () nr. 1 pages 49-55
Year: 2020-12-14
Publisher: Springer International Publishing, Cham
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 9 of 12 found articles
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