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  Anticholinergic Activity of Psychotropic Drugs and Cognitive Impairment Among Participants Aged 45 and Over: The CONSTANCES Study
Title: Anticholinergic Activity of Psychotropic Drugs and Cognitive Impairment Among Participants Aged 45 and Over: The CONSTANCES Study
Author: Ziad, Abdelkrim
Berr, Claudine
Ruiz, Fabrice
Bégaud, Bernard
Lemogne, Cédric
Goldberg, Marcel
Zins, Marie
Mura, Thibault
Appeared in: Drug safety
Paging: Volume 44 () nr. 5 pages 565-579
Year: 2021-02-11
Publisher: Springer International Publishing, Cham
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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