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                                       Details for article 6 of 9 found articles
  Patients with Atrial Fibrillation Benefit from SAVR with Surgical Ablation Compared to TAVR Alone
Title: Patients with Atrial Fibrillation Benefit from SAVR with Surgical Ablation Compared to TAVR Alone
Author: Patrick, William L.
Chen, Zehang
Han, Jason J.
Smood, Benjamin
Rao, Akhil
Khurshan, Fabliha
Yarlagadda, Siddharth
Iyengar, Amit
Kelly, John J.
Grimm, Joshua C.
Cevasco, Marisa
Bavaria, Joseph E.
Desai, Nimesh D.
Appeared in: Cardiology & therapy
Paging: Volume 11 () nr. 2 pages 283-296
Year: 2022-03-31
Publisher: Springer Healthcare, Cheshire
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 6 of 9 found articles
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