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  A mobile commercial system for membership-based stores using mobile RFID readers
Titel: A mobile commercial system for membership-based stores using mobile RFID readers
Auteur: Chen, Chin-Ling
Deng, Yong-Yuan
Tseng, Hsien-Wen
Verschenen in: International journal of RF technologies
Paginering: Jaargang 4 (2013) nr. 3-4 pagina's 163-180
Jaar: 2013-04-19
Inhoud: Technical innovation has made radio frequency identification (RFID) systems a part of the average person's daily life, providing many conveniences. As RFID systems use wireless transmission, user privacy may be compromised by malicious people intercepting the information contained in the RFID tags. In spite of RFID systems inheriting some defects from earlier forms of wireless transmission, they hold much promise for novel applications. In this paper, we propose a secure mobile commercial system based on the mobile RFID reader. Once users enroll in a membership-based store, they can query, purchase merchandise, accumulate coupons and redeem them for prizes, using a mobile RFID reader. The proposed scheme achieves essential security requirements, which prevent several kinds of attack between RFID tag and reader, also satisfy mutual authentication and conforming to EPC C1G2 standards. Our scheme also has acceptable time complexity, communication cost and data transmission time. The proposed scheme is practicable.
Uitgever: IOS Press
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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