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  Targeting focal adhesion assembly by ethoxyfagaronine prevents lymphoblastic cell adhesion to fibronectin
Titel: Targeting focal adhesion assembly by ethoxyfagaronine prevents lymphoblastic cell adhesion to fibronectin
Auteur: Ouchani, F.
Devy, J.
Rusciani, A.
Helesbeux, J.J.
Salesse, S.
Letinois, I.
Gras-Billart, D.
Duca, L.
Duval, O.
Martiny, L.
Charpentier, E.
Verschenen in: Analytical cellular pathology
Paginering: Jaargang 35 (2012) nr. 4 pagina's 267-284
Jaar: 2012-03-09
Inhoud: Background: Leukemic cell adhesion to proteins of the bone marrow microenvironment provides signals which control morphology, motility and cell survival. We described herein the ability of ethoxyfagaronine (etxfag), a soluble synthetic derivative of fagaronine, to prevent leukemic cell adhesion to fibronectin peptide (FN/V). Methods: Phosphorylation of fak and pyk2 were evaluated by immunoblotting. Labelled proteins were localized by confocal microscopy. PI 3-kinase activity was evaluated by in vitro kinase assay. Results: Subtoxic concentration of etxfag reduced L1210 cell adhesion to FN/V dependently of β1 integrin engagement. Etxfag impaired FN-dependent formation of β1 clustering without modifying β1 expression at the cell membrane. This was accompanied by a decrease of focal adhesion number, a diminution of fak and pyk2 phosphorylation at Tyr-576, Tyr-861 and Tyr-579, respectively leading to their dissociations from β1 integrin and inhibition of PI 3-kinase activity. Etxfag also induced a cell retraction accompanied by a redistribution of phosphorylated fak and pyk2 in the perinuclear region and lipid raft relocalization. Conclusion: Through its anti-adhesive potential, etxfag, combined with conventional cytotoxic drugs could be potentially designed as a new anti-leukemic drug.
Uitgever: IOS Press
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 11 van 14 gevonden artikelen
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