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                                       Details van artikel 23 van 35 gevonden artikelen
  Release of European Union microdata, ESS projects on remote access
Titel: Release of European Union microdata, ESS projects on remote access
Auteur: Bujnowska, Aleksandra
Museux, Jean-Marc
Verschenen in: Statistical journal of the IAOS
Paginering: Jaargang 26 (2010) nr. 3-4 pagina's 89-94
Jaar: 2010-06-10
Inhoud: This paper outlines microdata access methods at the European level, and specifically to data governed by European Union (EU) Regulation 831/2002 or where explicit approval of the EU Members is given on the access to particular datasets via Eurostat safe centre. Access to EU microdata for research purposes was enabled in 2002 when the Commission Regulation (EC) No 831/2002 came into force. Since then more than 100 contracts have been signed each year with research organisations for the provision of microdata for scientific purposes. The current Regulation foresees two ways of access to microdata: access to anonymised microdata files, and access to confidential data in the safe centre in Eurostat premises in Luxembourg. The first part of the paper outlines the legal framework at the EU level. The second part discusses the different modes and conditions of access as well as practical issues related to access to microdata in general. The final part provides an overview of the projects currently carried out in the domain of remote access at the European level. The situation with regards to the access to EU microdata will evolve in the near future with the new regulatory framework and subsequent changes in the governance structure for statistical confidentiality in the European Statistical System.
Uitgever: IOS Press
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 23 van 35 gevonden artikelen
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