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  Influence of extremely low energy radiation on artificial tissue: Effects on image quality and superficial dose
Titel: Influence of extremely low energy radiation on artificial tissue: Effects on image quality and superficial dose
Auteur: Al-Akhras, M.-Ali H.
Aljarrah, K.
Al-Omari, A.
Al-Khateeb, H.M.
Albiss, B.A.
Azez, K.
Makhadmeh, G.
Verschenen in: Spectroscopy
Paginering: Jaargang 22 (2008) nr. 5 pagina's 419-428
Jaar: 2008-09-04
Inhoud: The design and slicing technique of artificial soft tissue are presented. Artificial soft tissue has optical penetration properties similar to biological tissues. The soft tissues are made of agar dissolved in water as a transparent tissue (control) incorporated with scatter materials such as polystyrene microspheres and absorbers such as artificial dairy substitute, coffee mate (Carnation Co.). The radiation's interaction with 20 and 40 keV X-ray, and visible light (400–800 nm) with different types of tissue phantoms has been investigated. The half value layer (HVL), attenuation coefficient, energy density and penetration depth through the artificial tissues has been calculated. X-ray radiation depth show significant reduction in soft tissue incorporated with polystyrene microspheres. At extremely low energy (E), the half value layer decreases with increasing the energy, while the attenuation coefficient increase. The calculated values of the half value layers are in very good agreement with experimental results. The calculated values of effective linear attenuation coefficient, are found to be μeff (0.22–0.42). Significant reduction in superficial dose with clear image is found with 10 mm soft tissue filter used. These results suggests: possible enhancement in diagnostic imaging and reduction in excess dose to patients; artificial soft tissue can be used as filter substitute.
Uitgever: IOS Press
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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