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  Use of human expertise in the evaluation of manual lifting activities
Titel: Use of human expertise in the evaluation of manual lifting activities
Auteur: Ash Genaidy
Jose Beltran
Simon Yeung
Waldemar Karwowski
Paul Succop
Ron Huston
Jeffrey Stambough
Verschenen in: Occupational ergonomics
Paginering: Jaargang 2 (2001) nr. 2 pagina's 105-124
Jaar: 2001-04-01
Inhoud: The primary objective of this research is to determine whether or not worker expertise can be used to evaluate industrial lifting activities in order to prevent lower back injuries in the workplace. Twenty-two professionals and twenty-two skilled laborers participated in the study. The results obtained in this study indicate that it may possible to use personal knowledge and experience in evaluating physical tasks such as lifting. Furthermore, there was no difference between professionals and skilled laborers in terms of the cognitive patterns relating input to output variables. This provides preliminary evidence that the logic of experienced workers is as good as that of professionals. In the open lifting model examined in this study, it is clear that the weight of load is perceived by the study participants as the most important variable in evaluating lifting activities and is in agreement with findings in the published literature. In the closed loop model, perceived risk emerges as an important variable in determining the effort level exerted during lifting activities, even more important than the weight of load.
Uitgever: IOS Press
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 4 van 4 gevonden artikelen
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