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  Design a new high intensity magnetic separator with permanent magnets for industrial applications
Titel: Design a new high intensity magnetic separator with permanent magnets for industrial applications
Auteur: Arab-Tehrani, Kambiz
Colteu, Adrian
Rasoanarivo, Ignace
Michel-Sargos, Francois
Verschenen in: International journal of applied electromagnetics and mechanics
Paginering: Jaargang 32 (2010) nr. 4 pagina's 237-248
Jaar: 2010-05-06
Inhoud: This paper deals with a new high intensity magnetic separator with permanent magnets. We present a new system having little energy consumption. This model consists of compression springs, small motors, levers, and the slider rail which consists of iron blocks. The objective of this paper is to retrieve the granular ferromagnetic and paramagnetic minerals. We know that for magnetic separation systems with the permanent magnets, we can not cut immediately the magnetic field in the matrices for retrieving the magnetic granular minerals. In this model we have two different air-gaps; the first air-gap is for matrices installation and the second is used to change the reluctance in order to increase or decrease magnetic field in the magnetic circuit. In this system the carousel is fixed and the matrices can move. We will calculate the maximum magnetic force necessary in the second air-gap in order to send out the matrices after filling with magnetic minerals for washing and recovering materials. We will compare the theoretical results with the simulation results by COMSOL and FEMM4.
Uitgever: IOS Press
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 2 van 6 gevonden artikelen
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