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  Layered soft ferromagnetic materials with moving interfacial crack in uniform magnetic field
Titel: Layered soft ferromagnetic materials with moving interfacial crack in uniform magnetic field
Auteur: Zhao, She-Xu
Lee, Kang Yong
Verschenen in: International journal of applied electromagnetics and mechanics
Paginering: Jaargang 26 (2007) nr. 1-2 pagina's 69-85
Jaar: 2007-07-23
Inhoud: Within the framework of linear magnetoelasticity, the plane strain problem of a layered medium composed of three dissimilar soft ferromagnetic materials with a Yoffe-type moving crack at the interface is considered. The medium is subjected to a uniform in-plane magnetic field and the crack is opened by internal normal and shearing tractions. By using the Fourier integral transform technique, the current mixed boundary problem is reduced to a pair of integral equations of the second kind with Cauchy-type singularities. To determine the dynamic magnetoelastic stress intensity factors, the singular integral equations are solved numerically by means of the Jacobi polynomial expansion method. Results are presented graphically to show the dependence of the DSIFs on the velocity of the moving crack, the magnetic field, the magnetic properties of the materials and the geometric parameter of the problem.
Uitgever: IOS Press
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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