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  ω-Petri Nets: Algorithms and Complexity
Titel: ω-Petri Nets: Algorithms and Complexity
Auteur: Geeraerts, Gilles
Heußner, Alexander
Praveen, M.
Raskin, Jean-François
Verschenen in: Fundamenta informaticae
Paginering: Jaargang 137 (2015) nr. 1 pagina's 29-60
Jaar: 2015-03-26
Inhoud: We introduce ω-Petri nets (ωPN), an extension of plain Petri nets with ω-labeled input and output arcs, that is well-suited to analyse parametric concurrent systems with dynamic thread creation. Most techniques (such as the Karp and Miller tree or the Rackoff technique) that have been proposed in the setting of plain Petri nets do not apply directly to ωPN because ωPN define transition systems that have infinite branching. This motivates a thorough analysis of the computational aspects of ωPN. We show that an ωPN can be turned into a plain Petri net that allows us to recover the reachability set of the ωPN, but that does not preserve termination (an ωPN terminates iff it admits no infinitely long execution). This yields complexity bounds for the reachability, boundedness, place boundedness and coverability problems on ωPN. We provide a practical algorithm to compute a coverability set of the ωPN and to decide termination by adapting the classical Karp and Miller tree construction. We also adapt the Rackoff technique to ωPN, to obtain the exact complexity of the termination problem. Finally, we consider the extension of ωPN with reset and transfer arcs, and show how this extension impacts the decidability and complexity of the aforementioned problems.
Uitgever: IOS Press
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 9 van 14 gevonden artikelen
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 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland