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                                       Details for article 4 of 13 found articles
  Cellular Resource-Driven Automata
Title: Cellular Resource-Driven Automata
Author: Bashkin, Vladimir A.
Lomazova, Irina A.
Appeared in: Fundamenta informaticae
Paging: Volume 120 (2012) nr. 3-4 pages 243-257
Year: 2012-12-03
Contents: Resource-driven automata (RDA) are finite automata, sitting in the nodes of a finite system net and asynchronously consuming/producing shared resources through input/output system ports (arcs of the system net). RDAs themselves may be resources for each other, thus allowing the highly flexible structure of the model. It was proved earlier, that RDA-nets are expressively equivalent to Petri nets [2]. In this paper the new formalism of cellular RDAs is introduced. Cellular RDAs are RDA-nets with an infinite regularly structured system net. We build a hierarchy of cellular RDA classes on the basis of restrictions on the underlying grid. The expressive power of several major classes of 1-dimensional grids is studied.
Publisher: IOS Press
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 4 of 13 found articles
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