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                                       Details for article 4 of 7 found articles
  O que o kaffee de lá tem que o café daqui não tem: um estudo comparativo entre os sistemas agroindustriais do café alemão e brasileiro.
Title: O que o kaffee de lá tem que o café daqui não tem: um estudo comparativo entre os sistemas agroindustriais do café alemão e brasileiro.
Author: Mara Luiza Gonçalves Freitas
Appeared in: RAM. Revista de Administração Mackenzie
Paging: Volume 9 (2008) nr. 5 pages 59-81
Year: 2008
Contents: This article, a comparison of the structure of the Brazilian and German coffeechains, aims to clarify why Gerwmany is the a leading coffee exportes (mainlywith regard to industrizalized items such as roasted beans and ground, instantand decaffeinated products) despite its not being a coffee producer comparable toBrazil. The theoretical base rests on the principal coordination frameworks, specificallysupply chain management, netchain, networks and strictly coordinatedsubsystems. The methodology employed combines documental research and content analysis as proposed by Bardin (2000), which led to the creation of twelvecriteria. Using these criteria facilitated the generation of a comparative analysischart, presented when the data are analyzed and conclusions draw regarding theBrazilian and German coffee chains. The study concludes that the two major reasonsunderlying the success of Germany are the robust market strategies of itsfirms and the strong institucional guidelines governing their activities.
Publisher: Editora Mackenzie (provided by DOAJ)
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 4 of 7 found articles
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