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  Análise de contraste da penalidade e da recompensa (PRC): identificando oportunidades de melhoria em um serviço.
Title: Análise de contraste da penalidade e da recompensa (PRC): identificando oportunidades de melhoria em um serviço.
Author: Jaime Dagostim Picolo
Gerson Tontini
Appeared in: RAM. Revista de Administração Mackenzie
Paging: Volume 9 (2008) nr. 5 pages 35-58
Year: 2008
Contents: The organizations are inserted in a competitive environment where continuousimprovement of their products aids to keep or increase new businesses. In thisprocess, it is relevant to hear the customer because it is him who decides if theproduct or service will be used or no, being then essential to know the attributes ofthe product that intensifies the level of customers’ satisfaction. This article has asobjective to present the PRC – Penalty and Reward Contrast analysis – to identifythe relevant attributes that influence consumer’s satisfaction. To illustrate thePRC method, the paper evaluated 16 attributes of supermarkets, with a sample of 290 respondents. The result of the research reveals that the PRC identifies theattributes that influence the general satisfaction, but it discards attributes thatthe consumers don’t have experience, among them, the innovations.
Publisher: Editora Mackenzie (provided by DOAJ)
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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