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  Macroeconomic effects on D.J.S.I.-World Returns
Titel: Macroeconomic effects on D.J.S.I.-World Returns
Auteur: Sariannidis, Nikolaos
Koskosas, Ioannis
Kartalis, Nikos
Konteos, George
Verschenen in: International journal of economic sciences and applied research
Paginering: Jaargang 2 (2009) nr. 2 pagina's 95-110
Jaar: 2009
Inhoud: One of the best known and highly regarded Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) indexesis the Dow Jones Sustainability Index World (D.J.S.I.-World). By using the model ofGeneralized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (GARCH), the relationbetween D.J.S.I.-World returns to 10 year bond returns and Yen/U.S. dollar exchangerate is investigated. Research results show that 10 year bond value affects positively thevalue of D.J.S.I.-World. However, there is a negative relation between Yen/U.S. dollarexchange rate and D.J.S.I.-World with a month delay. According to our results, the totalreturn of D.J.S.I.-World is affected by such macroeconomic factors as the value of 10year bond, the Yen/U.S. dollar exchange rate and the general economic environment. Inthis way, investors can understand better the function of SRI market. Additionally, a newchannel of information is created and better evaluation of D.J.S.I.-World is enabled.
Uitgever: Kavala Institute of Technology (provided by DOAJ)
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 2 van 6 gevonden artikelen
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