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  Comparative analyses of the infiltration of Al–Cr–O and Mg–Cr–O refractories by molten phases in the copper-making process using the sessile drop technique
Title: Comparative analyses of the infiltration of Al–Cr–O and Mg–Cr–O refractories by molten phases in the copper-making process using the sessile drop technique
Author: Pérez, Ismael
Moreno-Ventas, Ignacio
Parra, Roberto
Araneda, Eugenia
Ríos, Guillermo
Appeared in: Boletin de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio
Paging: Volume 59 () nr. 1 pages 15-24
Year: 2020
Publisher: SECV
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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