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  Orientación a aspectos en UML2 sin extensiones
Title: Orientación a aspectos en UML2 sin extensiones
Author: Carlos E. Cuesta Quintero
Marcos López Sanz
María del Pilar Romay Rodríguez
Appeared in: Revista española de innovación, calidad e ingeniería del software
Paging: Volume 4 (2008) nr. 1 pages 23-49
Year: 2008
Contents: Aspect-oriented software development has evolved far beyond its implementationlevel origin and has extended to encompass the entire software lifecycle. Several approaches have tried to express aspect-oriented concepts and principles at the design level, using adequate notations. Most of them have defined some UML profile, or even an extended metamodel, to provide this conceptual framework. However, this article argues that this is actually unnecessary, and UML2 (version 2.1 indeed) provides a native support to describe aspects, once it is carefully considered. The basic idea is to use the new support for role models in UML2, and exploit the analogies between roles and aspects to build an aspect-oriented approach. Hence the article explores the evolution of role models in UML, and the specific issues of the current version, where they are strongly tied to the architectural support, defined as the ¿parts-and-ports¿ schema. Based on this framework a dual model for invasive composition is defined, which is able to include every relevant aspect-oriented concept, and making any specific extension unnecessary.
Publisher: Asociación de Técnicos de Informática (provided by DOAJ)
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 2 of 5 found articles
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