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  A Comparison of Link Layer Attacks on Wireless Sensor Networks
Titel: A Comparison of Link Layer Attacks on Wireless Sensor Networks
Auteur: Shahriar Mohammadi
Hossein Jadidoleslamy
Verschenen in: The international journal on applications of graph theory in wireless ad hoc networks and sensor networks : J GRAPH-HOC
Paginering: Jaargang 3 (2011) nr. 1 pagina's 35-56
Jaar: 2011
Inhoud: Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have many potential applications [1, 5] and unique challenges. Theyusually consist of hundreds or thousands small sensor nodes such as MICA2, which operateautonomously; conditions such as cost, invisible deployment and many application domains, lead to smallsize and limited resources sensors [2]. WSNs are susceptible to many types of link layer attacks [1] andmost of traditional networks security techniques are unusable on WSNs [2]; due to wireless and sharednature of communication channel, untrusted transmissions, deployment in open environments, unattendednature and limited resources [1]. So, security is a vital requirement for these networks; but we have todesign a proper security mechanism that attends to WSN's constraints and requirements. In this paper, wefocus on security of WSNs, divide it (the WSNs security) into four categories and will consider them,include: an overview of WSNs, security in WSNs, the threat model on WSNs, a wide variety of WSNs' linklayer attacks and a comparison of them. This work enables us to identify the purpose and capabilities ofthe attackers; also, the goal and effects of the link layer attacks on WSNs are introduced. Also, this paperdiscusses known approaches of security detection and defensive mechanisms against the link layerattacks; this would enable it security managers to manage the link layer attacks of WSNs more effectively
Uitgever: Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC) (provided by DOAJ)
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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