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  Structure of X-ray photoelectron spectra of low-energy and core electrons of Ln(C6H4OCH3COO-)3
Titel: Structure of X-ray photoelectron spectra of low-energy and core electrons of Ln(C6H4OCH3COO-)3
Auteur: Teterin Yury A.
Vukčević Labud
Teterin Anton YU.
Verschenen in: Nuclear technology & radiation protection
Paginering: Jaargang 20 (2005) nr. 2 pagina's 17-22
Jaar: 2005
Inhoud: This paper deals with the results of an X-ray photo electron spectroscopy of lanthanide ortho-metoxybenzoates Ln(C6H4OCH3COO-)3, where Ln represents lanthanides La through Lu except for Pm and C6H4OCH3COO- - residuum of ortho-metoxybenzoic acid. The core and outer electron X-ray photo electron spectroscopy spectra in the binding energy range of 0-1250 eV were shown to exhibit a complex, fine structure. The said structure was established due to the outer (0-15 eV binding energy) and inner (15-50 eV binding energy) valence molecular orbital from the filled Ln5p and O2s atomic shells multiple splitting, many-body perturbation, dynamic effect, etc. The mechanisms of such a fine structure formation were shown to manifest different probabilities in the spectrum of a certain electronic shell. There fore, the fine X-ray photo electron spectroscopy spectral structure resulting from a certain mechanism can be interpreted and its quantitative parameters related to the physical and chemical properties of the studied com pounds (degree of delocalization and participation of Ln4f electrons in the chemical bond, electronic configuration and oxidation states, density of uncoupled electrons on paramagnetic ions, degree of participation of the low binding energy filled electronic shells of lanthanide and ligands information of the outer and in nervalence molecular orbitals, lanthanide close environment structure in amorphous materials, etc).
Uitgever: VINČA Institute of Nuclear Sciences (provided by DOAJ)
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 6 van 8 gevonden artikelen
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